104 I am a self-confessed glory hunter
Hot off the press – Dave Brailsford joins Manchester United. Fear not, you're still in the right podcast! Dave Brailsford, the mastermind behind Team Sky, transformed our nation from one of the worst cycling nations to one of the best.
His secret? Marginal gains. Dave's mission was simple: improve each aspect of the process by 1%. Bike frame, wheels, brakes, rider, sleep, food, clothes—nothing escaped scrutiny. And it worked, creating a powerful momentum.
This philosophy is crucial for anyone in their job, business, or day-to-day life. When striving for improvement, break it down. Big problems can be overwhelming, leading to procrastination and inaction. Break it into sections, focus on small improvements, and watch the compound effect take hold.
What marginal gains could transform your business? I'm eager to hear your thoughts.
All the best,
#MarginalGains #NeverGiveUp #Entrepreneur