113. Dementia Caregiver Tips: What You Need to Know About Ethical Decision Making in Dementia Care

113. Dementia Caregiver Tips: What You Need to Know About Ethical Decision Making in Dementia Care

Update: 2024-05-03


Are you navigating the challenging journey of caring for a loved one with dementia? It’s a path that not only tests our patience but also our spirits and moral compass, particularly when viewed through the lens of Christian ethics.


Lizette discusses how the medical model of ethics, which includes autonomy, beneficence, non-malfeasance, and justice, differs from biblical ethical standards. She encourages listeners to base their decisions on God's perfect character and to frame their choices through scriptural teachings. By glorifying God in decision-making processes, caregivers can navigate the challenges of dementia caregiving with faith and purpose.


2:39 Navigating Ethical Decision-Making Challenges

9:58 Understanding God's Moral Character

15:19 Using the Bible to Frame Ethical Standards

24:08 Aiming for God's Glory in Decision-Making

27:51 Considerations for Ethical Decision-Making


You are not alone on this journey. Engaging with a community, such as through church groups or Christian caregiving resources, can provide both support and shared wisdom. Additionally, platforms that focus on the intersection of faith and caregiving can offer guidance tailored to your values.


Navigating dementia care as a Christian is not just about managing symptoms but about enriching the soul of the caregiver and the cared-for. It’s a journey of faith as much as it is a journey of love and responsibility. Remember, every decision made in love and faith reflects the teachings of Christ and brings glory to God, even in the most challenging circumstances.



By embracing both medical knowledge and spiritual wisdom, Christian caregivers can find the strength and guidance needed to make ethical decisions that honor their loved ones and their faith.


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113. Dementia Caregiver Tips: What You Need to Know About Ethical Decision Making in Dementia Care

113. Dementia Caregiver Tips: What You Need to Know About Ethical Decision Making in Dementia Care

Lizette Cloete