DiscoverCreate Your Shape with Jenny the Nutritionist128. Getting Back to Baseline [+ Bonus Course]
128. Getting Back to Baseline [+ Bonus Course]

128. Getting Back to Baseline [+ Bonus Course]

Update: 2024-05-22


I've heard from many that they want to get back to baseline for summer and most importantly establish a baseline they can build off of.  This is from a baseline physique and a baseline routine (which go hand in hand!). In this episode, I lay out the 4 problems you need to solve in order to have a solid baseline or take your current baseline to the next level!

I have also added a Bonus course for you to join now!

What: "Baseline" is a live 3-week nutrition coaching course and primer for the Create Your Shape program. (Can also be purchased as a stand-alone course). June 10th - 29th!

Sign up for Create Your Shape (and get Baseline for free)

Sign up for Baseline only

Who: Best for any lady who is lifting weights and knows their nutrition decisions, body, and mind would benefit from getting back to their baseline. OR, if you are already at your nutrition baseline, and want to take it to the next level.

Tracking macros is optional! It is not expected, but everything we learn will make fine-tuning your macros that much easier when you do.

What you'll achieve: Look and feel your best before July 4th week AND feel confident and ready to go for the July Create Your Shape class.  Decrease 3-5lbs of bloat, inflammation, and body fat. Feel routined and streamlined, no more "I need to make better decisions"!!

(Once you have this down, then the 4 mth coaching program of Create Your Shape is not only easier, it's also amplified.  Create Your Shape is where you'll gain muscle 1-5lbs and decrease 3%+ bodyfat, receive a custom macro plan, and learn the depts of science and strategies for ladies who are lifting weights. Think of Baseline as an intentional primer for Create Your Shape.)

Logistics: June 9th - 29th
3-week course, Weekly Coaching Call and Coaching Community!! (replays available).

Week 1)
- Science/Strategy Knowledge - How building muscle and decreasing body fat works
- Establish a realistic Daily Structure and how to Create Your Plate at each meal (no matter what you have in your house or where you are)

Week 2) Science/Strategy Knowledge - Maintenance Calories and Macros
- Create Your Meal Bank - have a list of favorable, tasty, and easy meal and snack options available

Week 3) Science/Strategy Knowledge - Estimating Macros
- Navigate summer events, how to balance BBQs, lake/beach trips, and on-the-go weekends.

You'll receive custom coaching each call, so if there are other areas we need to discuss beyond these topics, we will :)

Sign up now:

When you sign up for Create Your Shape, by May 31st, you will receive the 3-week Baseline Coaching Course for free along with $200 off!  Or you can purchase just the Baseline coaching course for $247. 

Work with Jenny the Nutritionist in Create Your Shape:

Follow Jenny the Nutritionist on Instagram:









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128. Getting Back to Baseline [+ Bonus Course]

128. Getting Back to Baseline [+ Bonus Course]
