128. God Needs You!
I want to give a huge shoutout and thank you to all of you who donated and/or prayed for my family’s mission trip to Jamaica.
We took a group of 65 people down to Jamaica and got to lead 630 people to Jesus!
Not only that, but my absolute favorite part about this trip was watching my 15-year-old son and my 17-year-old daughter lead over 25 people to Jesus…and as a family of 4, my husband, 2 kids and I all got to lead over 40 people to Jesus…one on one! Praise God!
On today’s episode, I want to talk about something that God showed me so strongly when I was in Jamaica…and then on Monday morning in my time of prayer with God, I felt Him speak to my spirit and say this again to me, “You are not where you are on accident. The people you encounter whenever you go somewhere, are not placed in your path on accident.”
You may have thought you were going to the mall to get clothes, but God brought you there, because there is someone there that He wants you to meet and shine the light of Jesus to.
Proverbs 16:33 in the Amplified Classic version of the Bible says, “even the events that seem accidental are really ordered by the Lord.”
We don’t realize, but God has us in certain places for certain people. There is a person out there whose future with Jesus will not begin unless you walk into their life.
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