#13: terribleY GOOD Sadline
Send me ____________ through my E-mail at the footy(footer // bri'ish)
what's your favourite colour of your fayvourite carrrrr???
I chat on a bad-sex/"friends"-line. As I say, I'm an Autistic-Fisherman: METAPHORICALLY.
I'm into being a tragedy: it gets humourous/humourless. Depending on where I fall on your sword. Or, like... 'Not sure', could be something that isn't phallic these-days. Like part of an alien(ated sexual fantasy - fairly).
"I never thought to say this originally, because I wouldn't like to lose myself in a Social-Vacuum-Esque Hellscape.
Purely if you think I have something to be understood, or anything of value...
Then, and, only then.
Be a Fan.
I'm opening up the idea of conversational ramblings. I think I'm naturally born reactionary, but instilled within silence. Don't be silent...? I'm a rational Human-Rights advocate, and I create my own kindness adverse to systems of Politics, wherever possible. However I'm Just not a fan of Tories. Irony, however... makes me look at Hugh Dennis differently. Like a Human. Not a Toffee. Or John Cleese. Or countless other wealthy Artists I, "couldn't possibly", relate to."
{Poddy e-mail address coming soon.}