#3: Take a Bunch!
Send me ____________ through my E-mail at the footy(footer // bri'ish)
This week, I assume I'm going through withdrawal, because it's been fucking difficult to come up with fucking ANYTHING -Until I begin spilling the liquid diet from betwixt my lips. Very standard procedure self-doubt.
Plentiful is the oddballs that encompass who I am. Fairly poetic, that. As all of that sort of rubbish is subjective. Made ME cry. And as a man of 2024, I feel embraced by the integrity to funnel out some of the vitamins and minerals that were once proud to line themselves within my digestive tract, into the form of _____ energy. You're... welcome.
However, I'm gracious/ungracious-ly accepting of any feedback whatsoever, that isn't standardised practices of mundanity, as we are all accustomed to. So, any shite-talking is welcomed, under the surely innaccurate banner of, "Fan Mail". Unlike the comedy show I turned up to be very accurately tarred with the derogatory term of, "wanker", at - I'll most-likely be able to let it go. Like greasy dust in the wind. Or dust in the wind, that tastes vaguely of salt. Quite a guilty treat of mine.
And, if any of this isn't to your liking, or, to your liking, then I'd like to cordially invite you to quench your thirst for yet another demanding internet personality's attention, and engage with me. No pressure. Just be my fanciful fiancé, and bathe in a seemingly empty pool of engagement. IF YOU LIKE.
Share this, if'ins that's something you'd be willing to do. You have my explicit blessing. All in good, if not entirely perplexing fun.
Have a lovely day. Slán.
"I never thought to say this originally, because I wouldn't like to lose myself in a Social-Vacuum-Esque Hellscape.
Purely if you think I have something to be understood, or anything of value...
Then, and, only then.
Be a Fan.
I'm opening up the idea of conversational ramblings. I think I'm naturally born reactionary, but instilled within silence. Don't be silent...? I'm a rational Human-Rights advocate, and I create my own kindness adverse to systems of Politics, wherever possible. However I'm Just not a fan of Tories. Irony, however... makes me look at Hugh Dennis differently. Like a Human. Not a Toffee. Or John Cleese. Or countless other wealthy Artists I, "couldn't possibly", relate to."
{Poddy e-mail address coming soon.}