141 // Overwhelmed By Your Big Ideas and Dreams? Take These 2 Simple Steps!
Welcome mama friend!
Today, we’re diving deep into a powerful verse: 'Take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ.' That’s 2 Corinthians 10:5, and it’s often quoted when we talk about taking control of negative, intrusive, or unhelpful thoughts.
But today, I want to explore another angle—what about the good thoughts? The God-ideas? Those dreams, purposes, and inspirations that the Holy Spirit plants in your mind during prayer or quiet moments? How do we capture those, hold onto them, and partner with God in bringing them to life?
This episode is all about recognizing those God-ideas, holding them in obedience to Christ, and taking courageous action until they happen. So grab your coffee, a journal, and let’s get started!
To help facilitate a space for God-ideas, I’ve created a free resource just for you: Peaceful Pages, a scripture meditation coloring book. It’s a perfect way to slow down, meditate on God’s Word, and refocus your heart. You can download it for free for a limited time!! Click link ^
🥳 Also, BIG News, the Find More Time Workshop is BACK and even better! I'm hosting it on Tuesday, February 18th and 19th. ! If you desire to have more time, energy, peace while in the middle of motherhood while raising Kingdom Kids, then join me for this FREE 2 hour workshop (1 hour each day). I will show you how to decrease anxiety, overwhelm, stress and find divine time! Go to www.theshanwright.com/time to register today! If you have questions, concerns, or need a private (free) Stress Relief Sesh, book that at bit.ly/chatwithshan
Shalom Shalom,
Xx, Shan
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Disclaimer: Information given within the podcast is not intended for medical advice, rather advice and encouragement for developing wellness habits for healthy living.