DiscoverThe Mind 4 Survival Prepping Podcast15 Foods to STOCKPILE That NEVER Expire!
15 Foods to STOCKPILE That NEVER Expire!

15 Foods to STOCKPILE That NEVER Expire!

Update: 2024-05-20


Imagine never having to throw away food again. That's every prepper's dream. Guess what? It is possible, and in this article, I'll discuss 15 foods to stockpile that never expire. This doesn't mean they will last millennia, but many of these foods may outlive you.

It's a fact that during uncertain times and emergencies, having a stockpile of survival food can provide peace of mind, knowing that you and your loved ones' nutrition needs are taken care of. While some foods, such as dehydrated fruit and boxes of processed food, have long shelf lives, some foods are the champions of survival and outlast most others by decades. These foods are crucial for any preparedness-minded person who wants to ensure their survival food pantry is ready for the long haul.

In this article, I will discuss 15 foods that, when stored properly, will last indefinitely. That means you can store them away without worrying that they will expire within a year or two or go bad because checking them slipped your mind. 

1. Canned Meat

Canned meat has excellent longevity. While fresh meat requires refrigeration and quickly spoils, canned meat can remain edible for years. This is because the canning process cooks the meat thoroughly and seals it away from the air, preventing the growth of bacteria and spoilage. 

Typical meats like beef, chicken, and pork are available in canned form. When canned, they retain most of their nutrients and caloric value, making them an excellent source of energy and protein in times of need. That's important because protein is crucial for survival and is often overlooked in favor of carbohydrate-based foods like rice, beans, and pasta. Protein is vital for maintaining muscle mass, repairing tissues, and supporting immune function. Therefore, adequate protein intake is essential to maintaining strength and resilience during times of stress and physical challenge.

Canned meat is pre-cooked, which means you can eat it straight from the can—a benefit when your time and ability to cook might be limited during a disaster. While canned meats are generally safe, it's important to know how to identify signs of spoilage. Always inspect the can before use and give the meat a smell test after opening—it should smell fresh and meaty, not sour or unpleasant. Never consume canned meat if the can is bulging, leaking, or rusting, as these are signs of bacterial contamination. 

When selecting canned meat for your emergency supplies, consider variety. Beyond the usual chicken and beef, options like turkey and exotic meats can provide different flavors and nutritional profiles. This variety can help prevent food fatigue and ensure you get a wide range of nutrients.

2. Canned Vegetables

Among the many long-term food choices available, canned vegetables stand out as a stellar option for several reasons. Notably, they are one of the food items that can practically last forever under the right conditions.

Canned vegetables are an excellent food pantry choice because the canning process seals in the freshness and nutrients of the vegetables at their peak. This means you're not just storing food but preserving its nutritional value. Whether it's green beans, carrots, corn, or peas, canned vegetables can remain safe to eat far beyond their 'best by' dates, provided they are correctly stored and remain unopened in a cool, dry place.

Another reason to include canned vegetables in your survival pantry is their versatility. They can be used in various dishes, from stews and soups to mixed in a bowl of rice, enhancing your meals' flavor and nutritional content when fresh produce may not be an option. Like canned meat, canned vegetables can be eaten without cooking. So, if you are eating on the run or don't want to start a fire, all you need to do is open the can and dig in. 









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15 Foods to STOCKPILE That NEVER Expire!

15 Foods to STOCKPILE That NEVER Expire! (Brian Duff)