DiscoverThe Mind 4 Survival Prepping PodcastThe Legalities of Self-Defense with Attorneys on Retainer
The Legalities of Self-Defense with Attorneys on Retainer

The Legalities of Self-Defense with Attorneys on Retainer

Update: 2024-06-14


In this insightful episode, I welcome Rachel Moss, a seasoned criminal defense attorney from Arizona specializing in self-defense law. Rachel, an attorney with the Attorneys For Freedom Law Firm, provides a deep dive into the often misunderstood world of self-defense law. Here's a breakdown of our conversation, filled with invaluable insights and practical advice.

Disclaimer: This should not be construed as legal advice. Please consult your attorney to learn the specifics of your personal legal situation.

Understanding Self-Defense Laws

Rachel highlights a significant misconception about self-defense laws: while the statutes might seem straightforward, their application in court is anything but. In states like Arizona, where self-defense laws are robust, a jury ultimately decides what's deemed reasonable. This interpretation can vary widely, influenced by each juror's background and experiences.

For instance, Rachel explains that even if a law states you have the right to use deadly force when facing an imminent threat, the perception of reasonableness can differ. A person familiar with firearms might see a situation differently than someone who has never handled a weapon. This variance can result in different legal outcomes, making the legal landscape for self-defense cases quite complex.

Avoiding Legal Trouble

One crucial piece of advice Rachel offers is to avoid self-defense situations whenever possible. While some may feel justified in using force to protect their property, the aftermath of such actions can be legally dangerous. Rachel suggests that the potential consequences of a legal battle outweigh the immediate threat to personal possessions. After all, is something in your home, other than a loved one, worth a possible prison sentence?  

Rachel stresses the importance of firearms training. Being prepared and knowledgeable can make a significant difference when faced with a self-defense situation. However, she emphasizes that even with training, the decision of what is reasonable self-defense is out of your hands and in the hands of the jury.

Preparedness and Legal Self-Defense

Rachel's journey into preparedness was inspired by her mother, who is deeply engaged in staying informed and prepared for potential crises. This influence made Rachel consider her safety and preparedness, especially living in an urban area prone to protests and unrest.

Preparedness isn't just about having supplies—it's about having a plan. Rachel discusses the importance of having multiple routes to safety and being aware of your surroundings. She shares practical tips on preparing for various scenarios, whether at home, work, or public.

Attorneys on Retainer Program

Rachel introduces the Attorneys on Retainer program, distinguishing it from traditional self-defense insurance. This program ensures that if you ever need legal defense, you are already a client of the law firm, providing you immediate legal support and maintaining attorney-client privilege from the first call.

Self-defense insurance often cannot cover criminal acts, leaving a significant gap in protection. However, the Attorneys on Retainer program focuses on defending you in criminal cases, asserting self-defense wherever reasonable, and ensuring you have legal representation throughout the process.

Practical Legal Advice

In the unfortunate event of a self-defense incident, Rachel advises keeping statements to a minimum when interacting with law enforcement. It's crucial to ensure your safety first and call 911 if needed but keep the details brief. Statements made in the heat of the moment can be misinterpreted and used against you later.\

Rachel highlights the importance of having an attorney present before making any statements. This approach helps protect your rights and ensures that a...








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The Legalities of Self-Defense with Attorneys on Retainer

The Legalities of Self-Defense with Attorneys on Retainer

Brian Duff