DiscoverHealth Bite162. Embrace Forgiveness:The Surprising Link Between Forgiveness and Weight Loss Success
162. Embrace Forgiveness:The Surprising Link Between Forgiveness and Weight Loss Success

162. Embrace Forgiveness:The Surprising Link Between Forgiveness and Weight Loss Success

Update: 2024-01-08


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Everyone wants to receive weight loss advice and find effective strategies for sustainable weight and wellness.

The challenge is that people often blame themselves for their weight gain or inability to maintain a healthy lifestyle. They feel guilty and beat themselves up, which hinders their ability to make positive changes.

Practicing forgiveness can be a powerful tool in weight loss and overall well-being. By forgiving ourselves for past mistakes and shortcomings, we can create a sense of connection, emotional resilience, and healing. This forgiveness practice can be done through meditation and writing exercises.

Dr. Adrienne Youdim encourages listeners to try forgiveness meditation and reflect on their experience. 

What You Learn From This Episode

  • Understanding the detrimental effects of self-blame and guilt in weight loss journeys
  • Exploring the mental and physical benefits of self-forgiveness
  • Guided meditation: Practicing self-forgiveness and extending forgiveness to others

"Why are we so damned hard on ourselves? - Adrienne Youdim

Here's how to get the details of Adrienne's upcoming ‘Ditch the New Year, New You Shenanigans, Create a New Approach to Sustainable Weight and Wellness in the New Year’ program:

  1. Sign up for our newsletter. 
  2. Once you receive the newsletter, download the guide and shoot an email back saying "I'm in."
  3. Stay tuned to the podcast for more information and updates about the program.

Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to join Adrienne's transformative workshop ‘Ditch the New Year, New You Shenanigans, Create a New Approach to Sustainable Weight and Wellness in the New Year’ and create a new approach to sustainable weight and wellness in the new year.

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Looking to elevate your team or organization with a powerful and inspirational message? Dr. Adrienne Youdim is available for keynote speeches and workshops.

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2. Buy the Book. The current weightloss strategies have failed you. Its time to address your true hunger. Purchase 'Hungry for More'

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162. Embrace Forgiveness:The Surprising Link Between Forgiveness and Weight Loss Success

162. Embrace Forgiveness:The Surprising Link Between Forgiveness and Weight Loss Success

Dr. Adrienne Youdim