165. How Naming What Matters Most Can Change the Rest of Your School Year
If you’ve been wondering where your “new year, new you” pep talk was, well you’re getting it in this episode! I love taking the opportunity to reflect, plan, dream, and set goals all year, but especially at the start of the new year. And while I usually have a list of things you can do to start the year off on the right track, this year I’m sharing ONE specific new year challenge. This challenge has the power to transform how the rest of your school year goes. Are you ready for it? It’s naming what matters most.
This concept, introduced by Kendra Adachi, has become a cornerstone of how I approach both my personal and professional life. I’ve touched on this idea before on the podcast, but it’s so powerful that I keep coming back to it. In today’s episode, I’m diving deeper into why this principle is so crucial for achieving work-life balance and how you can apply it in your own life.
➡️ Show Notes: https://itsnotrocketscienceclassroom.com/episode165
Resources Mentioned:
- Core Values Mini-Course
- Virtual PD Course Bundle
- Kendra Adachi’s book, The PLAN: Manage Your Time Like a Lazy Genius
- The Lazy Genius Collective
- The Lazy Genius Podcast
- Download your FREE Classroom Reset Challenge.
- Send me a DM on Instagram: @its.not.rocket.science
- Send me an email: rebecca@itsnotrocketscienceclassroom.com
- Follow, rate, and review on Apple Podcasts.
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