DiscoverHealth Bite165. Rewiring our Emotional Responses - A Strategy for Emotional Eating
165. Rewiring our Emotional Responses - A Strategy for Emotional Eating

165. Rewiring our Emotional Responses - A Strategy for Emotional Eating

Update: 2024-01-29


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If you struggle with emotional eating, this podcast episode offers a game-changing perspective. Dr. Adrienne Youdim introduces the research of Dr. Lisa Feldman Barret, who challenges the conventional wisdom that emotions are automatic reactions to events.  Instead, Dr. Barrett suggests that our brain predicts emotions based on past experiences, our body's budget, and the current situation. 

By understanding and modifying these ingredients, we can take control of our emotions. 

Dr. Youdim emphasizes the importance of taking care of our body's budget through nutrition, sleep, and movement. She also encourages changing our predictions and narratives to reshape our emotional responses. By rewiring our brain's reactions, we can create a more positive and realistic emotional experience. 

This episode offers practical strategies to disentangle food from emotions and soothe ourselves in healthier ways.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to change your relationship with food.

What You’ll Learn From this Episode:

  • Learn about the science of emotional eating and how negative emotions can hijack our hunger.
  • Discover how our emotions can increase hunger hormones and impact the way we soothe with food.
  • Find out about the three ingredients that create our emotions: our body's budget, our current situation, and our predictions from past experiences.
  • Learn how to modify these ingredients to take more control over our emotions and change our emotional reactions.

“…negative emotions literally hijack our hunger." - Dr. Adrienne Youdim

People, Resources and Terms Mentioned:

  • Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett: A researcher mentioned in the podcast episode who shares insights about emotions and how they are influenced by past experiences and predictions.
  • Ozempic, Wagovi, and Maunjaro: Drugs mentioned in the podcast that mimic hunger hormones.
  • Emotional Eating: The topic discussed in the podcast, referring to the tendency to use food as a way to soothe negative emotions.
  • Neuroplasticity: The concept discussed in the podcast that refers to the brain's ability to change and rewire itself based on experiences and actions.
  • Emotional Flu: A term used in the podcast t

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165. Rewiring our Emotional Responses - A Strategy for Emotional Eating

165. Rewiring our Emotional Responses - A Strategy for Emotional Eating

Dr. Adrienne Youdim