DiscoverHealth Bite168. Healthful Strategies for a More Connected Life
168. Healthful Strategies for a More Connected Life

168. Healthful Strategies for a More Connected Life

Update: 2024-02-19


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Feeling lonely and disconnected? Looking for practical ways to manage those feelings and foster a sense of connection and belonging? Look no further!

In this episode of Health Bite, Dr. Adrienne Youdim shares valuable insights on the importance of connection and its impact on our health and wellbeing. Loneliness is not just a bad feeling, it has tangible consequences on our physical and mental health. But the good news is, we can change our perception and reframe our narrative to cultivate meaningful connections.

So we can address our ‘subjective’ loneliness, we shared a healthful  writing practice exercise in this episode. You don;’t want to miss this out. It involves engaging in a dialogue with your loneliness. Allow yourself to explore and receive insights from this exercise.

What You’ll Learn From this Episode:

  • The impact of loneliness on individual and societal health
  • Ways to manage feelings of loneliness and foster connection
  • The health consequences of social disconnection

“Loneliness is a subjective feeling of perceived disconnection.” - Dr. Adrienne Youdim

Prompt For the Writing Practice Mentioned in This Episode

Here's an example of how you can engage in the writing practice:

  1. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit down with a journal or a piece of paper.
  2. Set a timer for 10-15 minutes to ensure uninterrupted writing time.
  3. Start by writing "Me:" and then ask the problem or symptom that is bothering you a question. For example, "Why are you here?"
  4. Then, switch perspectives and write "Symptom:" and respond to your own question from the perspective of the problem or symptom. Don't overthink it, just let your thoughts flow onto the paper.
  5. Continue this dialogue between "Me" and "Symptom" for the duration of the writing exercise. Allow yourself to explore your thoughts and feelings without judgment.
  6. Remember to keep writing continuously, even if you feel stuck or unsure of what to say. Just let your thoughts and emotions guide your writing.
  7. Once the timer goes off, take a moment to reflect on what you have written. Notice any insights or patterns that may have emerged during the exercise.
  8. If you feel comfortable, you can choose to revisit and reflect on your writing at a later time to gain further clarity or understanding.

Remember, this writing exercise is a tool for self-reflection and exploration. It can help you uncover deeper insights and gain a better

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168. Healthful Strategies for a More Connected Life

168. Healthful Strategies for a More Connected Life

Dr. Adrienne Youdim