DiscoverThe Easily Distracted Entrepreneur169. 5 Keys to Increasing Resilience and Achieving Your Big Goals With Lexi Soulios
169. 5 Keys to Increasing Resilience and Achieving Your Big Goals With Lexi Soulios

169. 5 Keys to Increasing Resilience and Achieving Your Big Goals With Lexi Soulios

Update: 2023-03-16


Join therapist and growth strategist Lexi Soulios as she shares the five keys to building resilience as an entrepreneur, from assigning meaning to events in our lives to developing creative adaptability.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Delve into the intricacies of Daylight Savings and its role in today's world.

  • Boost your mental fortitude by examining the importance of resilience in overcoming challenges.

  • Develop greater acceptance and understanding of neurodivergent individuals within your community.

My special guest is Lexi Soulios

Lexi Soulios is a skilled therapist and growth strategist who has dedicated her career to helping leaders and visionaries push past their stubborn blocks and achieve their next level goals. With her unique combination of therapeutic and coaching strategies, Lexi has guided countless individuals in overcoming personal obstacles and unlocking their full potential. Her work has been featured in well-respected publications like Forbes, the Huffington Post, and Bustle Magazine. As an expert in her field, Lexi has the ability to transform lives by helping people tap into their own resilience, enabling them to achieve their big dreams.

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

  • Register for the free training Designing Your Perfect Work Week on Monday, March 27 at 05:00 P.m. Pacific on

  • Check out Lexi Soulios's website to learn more about her approach to therapy and growth strategy.

  • Consider working with a therapist or coach to help clear stubborn blocks and achieve big goals.

  • Practice assigning positive meanings to the events of your life, especially when facing challenges or setbacks.

  • Prioritize foundational body care, such as getting enough sleep, eating well, and engaging in physical activity.

  • Build a robust support network of people who can provide emotional support and practical help.

  • Connect with your authentic self by engaging in self-reflection, identifying your values and priorities, and setting boundaries.

  • Practice creative adaptability by being open to new ideas, embracing change, and staying flexible in the face of challenges.

Nurturing Resilience: Cultivating a Positive Mindset and Self-Care Habits
A key aspect of nurturing resilience is fostering a positive mindset, which involves looking for the silver lining in difficult situations, practicing gratitude, and prioritizing self-care. Self-care habits such as maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and setting aside time for relaxation promote overall well-being, thereby enhancing one's resilience. Lexi Soulios emphasized that self-compassion and cultivating mindfulness are key in nurturing resilience. She shared insights on how learning to be in the present moment and practicing self-love can have a profound effect on an individual's ability to face challenges with grace and determination. Lexi also discussed the importance of setting boundaries and prioritizing personal needs, as this enables individuals to manage stress effectively and focus on their well-being.

Building Resilience: Strategies for Overcoming Adversity
Developing resilience is an ongoing process that involves cultivating inner resources and honing one's emotional skills. By nurturing these abilities, individuals can better navigate through adverse situations, regulate their emotions, and maintain a sense of balance in the face of challenges. Strategies for building resilience include setting realistic goals, honing one's communication skills, practicing gratitude, and seeking support from others. Lexi Soulios shared her personal experiences and insights on building resilience, emphasizing that self-compassion and vulnerability are vital components in this journey. She encouraged listeners to acknowledge their emotions and work on understanding the underlying causes of their reactions in order to foster growth. By doing so, individuals can create space for new perspectives and habits, ultimately increasing their ability to bounce back from adversity.

Understanding Resilience: The Key Traits and Characteristics
Resilience represents the ability to bounce back from adversity and navigate through challenges in life. Individuals with high resilience embrace change, maintain a positive outlook, and possess an innate capacity to learn and grow from their experiences. Interestingly, resilient people not only persevere in times of adversity, but they also tend to emerge stronger and more capable than before. Guest Lexi Soulios shared her thoughts on the key traits of resilient individuals, noting that possessing emotional awareness, strong problem-solving skills, and the ability to adapt are essential. She also emphasized the importance of supportive relationships in cultivatig resilience, as these connections offer encouragement and guidance during challenging times. Amber Hawley and Lexi Soulios both agreed that resilience is not necessarily an innate trait, but rather a capacity that can be developed and honed over time.

Lexi Soulios is a therapist and growth strategist who helps leaders clear stubborn patterns so they can reach their next-level business, relationship, and life goals. Over the past 20 years, she has supported thousands of clients and students across five continents – including NY Times best-selling authors, C-suite executives, celebrity families, leading business coaches, and renowned healers. Lexi’s work has been featured in Forbes, The Huffington Post, Bustle Magazine, Thrive Global, and OMTimes.

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169. 5 Keys to Increasing Resilience and Achieving Your Big Goals With Lexi Soulios

169. 5 Keys to Increasing Resilience and Achieving Your Big Goals With Lexi Soulios