1710 在簡化生活中如何面對負面情緒|簡化生活挑戰|Day 23
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今日格言: "Let go of the unnecessary, and you’ll find what is truly essential."
Day 23 挑戰問題: What emotions come up when you think about decluttering, and how can you work through them?
"I often think about the things that I really have a hard time letting go of, or the things that were once very valuable to me—whether due to their price or the emotional attachment I have to them. However, when I focus on my goal to live a simple and minimalist life, it actually helps me make the decision to declutter more quickly because I think about my values."
Chinese Translation:
- Valuable (形容詞) - 有價值的
- Emotional attachment (名詞) - 情感依附
- Minimalism (名詞) - 極簡主義
- Decluttering (動詞) - 斷捨離
- Work through (片語) - 處理
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