DiscoverHealth Bite196. The Power of Civility: Transforming Our Discourse with Shola Richards
196. The Power of Civility: Transforming Our Discourse with Shola Richards

196. The Power of Civility: Transforming Our Discourse with Shola Richards

Update: 2024-09-16


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Why does kindness feel so hard in today's world? 

Join us as Shola Richards shares his powerful insights on how we can disagree without disrespect and foster healthier conversations. 

In this episode, Adrienne Youdim welcomes Shola Richards to discuss the crucial topic of civility in communication. 

Shola Richards had reached the end of the road: after nearly two years at a soul-sucking job, he felt numb and suicidal. So he quit and devoted himself to nothing less than transforming the workplace, turning it into a space of respect, courtesy, and endless energy. 

He is on a mission to  inspire current and future leaders to start a movement that will banish on-the-job bullying, put meaning back into work, and enhance coworkers’ happiness and engagement.

Tune in to explore how we can all improve the way we communicate and promote a healthier social environment.

Who is Shola Richards?

  • Author and speaker focused on civility and kindness in the workplace
  • Founder and CEO Go Together Global™
  • Advocate for mental health and well-being through respectful discourse

What You'll Discover:

  • 🔥 How to foster civil discourse and kindness in challenging conversations
  • 🚀 Strategies for disagreeing without disrespect
  • 💪 Tips for creating a healthier workplace culture
  • 🧠 The profound connection between civility and personal well-being

Why This Episode Matters:

In a time of increasing polarization and incivility, Shola's insights will empower you to:

  • Engage in meaningful conversations that promote understanding
  • Model respectful behavior in your personal and professional life
  • Contribute to a culture of kindness that enhances mental health and community well-being

🎧 Tune in now and take the first step towards transforming your interactions and creating a more civil world!

"...we have to learn how to disagree without disrespect." 

- Shola Richards

Connect with Shola:

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196. The Power of Civility: Transforming Our Discourse with Shola Richards

196. The Power of Civility: Transforming Our Discourse with Shola Richards

Dr. Adrienne Youdim