2.10. Delivery Options and Media
2.10. Delivery Options and Media
Learning Objective for Section 2.10.: List at least three delivery options or media available for delivering learning solutions
Delivery Option Considerations
To design effective learning talent development professionals must understand what is possible, the variety of mediums, and the current technologies or media that can support training/learning solutions. To determine the most effective delivery option and types of media, it will be critical to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each medium has for learning.
Selection of learning delivery method and media also will be aligned to the given scope constraints, time to design and deliver learning, cost, geographic location of learners, baseline knowledge of learners, technical skills to be taught, and so on. Here are a few things to consider for learning delivery options:
- Online and mobile learning
- Performance support systems
- Classroom training (face-to-face)
- Blended learning
- Games and simulation
- Self-directed learning
- On-the-job training (e.g. coaching, mentoring, etc.)
THROWBACK: #TBT You may recall that selecting training/learning delivery options and media can also be found in AOE #3 Training Delivery; Section 3.5. Various Delivery Options (link to this podcast episode and resources)
What Exactly is Flipped Learning?
Flipping the learning experiences is also known as “inverting” learning or taking a “pedagogy-first” approach to instruction. This is where the learning materials (for a course, training session, or workshop) are introduced outside of the designated class meeting session. The time spent either in-person or during an asynchronous online meeting is re-purposed for inquiry, application, and assessment in order to better meet the needs of individual learners.
The Four Pillars of F-L-I-P from the Flipped Learning Network
1. F: Flexible Environment
2. L: Learning Culture
3. I: Intentional Content
4. P: Professional Educator
Read more at: https://flippedlearning.org/definition-of-flipped-learning/
- Chapter 9: Choosing and using media in education: the SECTIONS model by Tony Bates
- Learners needs! Review: 9.2 Students
- Checklist for Selecting Technology for Learning
How do you make your decisions about media, mediums, and delivery options for instructional design?