DiscoverThe Mothered Business2022 Recap: Highs + Lows of a Stretchy Year
2022 Recap: Highs + Lows of a Stretchy Year

2022 Recap: Highs + Lows of a Stretchy Year

Update: 2022-12-31


*Trigger warning* Please scroll to the bottom for the trigger warning before you tune in. 

Phew how to recap 2022? 

There were so many things I navigated BTS this year that I never shared publicly, one really major thing that I finally decided to share on todays recap episode. 

When I think of my year I feel a massive sense of grief but when I take a second look I’m able to see there were so many incredible moments and experiences and LOVE, my GOD the love I felt this year.

In business this was actually the easiest year ever! It was incredibly successful which I am SO grateful for. My clients, my work, my craft, my offerings were the highest calibre they’ve ever been. And we celebrated so many wins as a business but also in our clients businesses. Deep deep gratitude.

In my personal life I was tending to a broken heart 💔 and I noticed my tendency to hide when I’m hurting. My people didn’t let me hide. They showed tf up and reminded me of my strength. I am eternally thankful. 

Someone once said to me “there will come a moment in every woman’s life where she will look at her life and say ‘this wasn’t supposed to happen’, and it’s at that moment the greatest chapter of her life will begin”. I SO feel this. 

Wrapping up this year I feel stronger and healthier than ever, more confident in why I do this work and where it’s going (big plans for next year 😍) and an acceptance that it’s all been part of a plan greater than I could design for myself. 

Thank you for being part of my year. You’ll never know how much I appreciate you being here. I hope that no matter what 2022 held for you, that 2023 is even kinder.

[TW: This episode discusses pregnancy, pregnancy loss / miscarriage. I share a trigger warning in the episode right before I speak to it around the 20 minute mark if you want to only listen to the first part of this episode. If this has been your journey too I am so sorry for your loss and sending you all my love.]

With love,

Robyn xo


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2022 Recap: Highs + Lows of a Stretchy Year

2022 Recap: Highs + Lows of a Stretchy Year

Robyn Gooding