#25: Mentoring and OSCP Tips with Mike Waxman (Security Engineer, LinkedIn)
This week, hosts TJ Null and FalconSpy sit down with Mike Waxman, Security Engineer at LinkedIn. Mike was originally a TPM and is now a Security Engineer. He starts off by describing how he made the switch and shares some advice for those looking to change roles into security. And for those already in the field, he also gives tips on how to get that coveted promotion. Related to that, Mike discusses his mentoring experience and what kinds of knowledge he passes along to those new to the industry. Mike is currently working through his PEN-200 journey toward the OSCP and provides some key tips for those also pursuing the OSCP. He also shares a specific idea on how to best prepare for the exam. Finally, he shares some words of encouragement to those early in their career looking to make their mark. Enjoy!