#27: YinYang in Infosec with Jeremy (harbinger) Miller
In this special episode, Jeremy (harbinger) Miller chats with Chris Glanden on the BarCode podcast. From BarCode’s show notes:
“The YinYang philosophy says that the universe is composed of competing and complementary forces governed by a cosmic duality, sets of two opposing and complementing principles or energies that can be observed in nature.
Similarly, the nature of offensive security requires a balance of proper mindset and technical expertise. To truly master this security discipline, you must learn to balance and draw from different sides of experiences in life, including the psychological aspect as well as the ones and zeros.
Jeremy (harbinger) Miller is an InfoSec professional primarily interested in how security skills are taught, learned, and applied by individuals and organizations. He is currently the Product Manager of Content Development at Offensive Security. We catch up at the bar to discuss his unorthodox path into Infosec, his background in teaching martial arts, the true meaning of OffSec’s mantra, ‘Try Harder,’ and the importance of counterbalancing of mind and technical skills.”