26th Degree: Prince of Mercy
Transcripts, Chapter Markers and Show Notes for all episodes are available from our website - WayOfTheHermit.com.
In the exploration of the third and final Degree dedicated to the Greater Mysteries, a profound journey through the symbolism and progression of the Mystery Degrees is undertaken. The discussion delves into the intricate teachings and secrets reserved for the final degree, where the grand mysteries of the Christian religion, such as the incarnation, nativity, passion, and resurrection of Christ, are unveiled. This revelation is made exclusively to "The Faithful," highlighting the profound secrecy surrounding the celebration of the Holy Sacraments, particularly the Eucharist. The narrative extends to the nature of perception and consciousness, where the mysteries and miracles that constantly surround us are contemplated. The everyday phenomena, often overlooked, are presented as unseen miracles, prompting a reflection on the forces beyond mechanical explanations and the enigmatic origins of colors, perfumes, and tastes in nature.
Further, the significance of the Trinity in various religious traditions is examined, revealing the "Masonic Trinity" as a universal concept encompassing the Universal Soul, the Thought in the Soul, and the Word or Thought expressed. This exploration into the esoteric interpretations offers a unique perspective on the interconnectedness of material, intellectual, and spiritual realms. The discussion is enriched by the examination of symbols such as the Triple Triangle and the Tessera, each carrying deep allegorical meanings that contribute to the overarching narrative of the Degree. Through this journey, the listeners are invited to ponder the profound mysteries of existence, the nature of divine creation, and the endless quest for understanding that transcends the boundaries of conventional religious doctrines.
The series on the Scottish Rite uses the following primary sources (which you are encouraged to read as well):
- Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma: Annotated Edition
- Scottish Rite Ritual Monitor & Guide
- A Bridge to Light
Images and Diagrams:
- 01:14 Introduction
- 01:43 The Greater Mysteries
- 03:45 Degree Ritual
- 08:59 Purpose of the Degree
- 09:59 Morals and Dogma
- 10:15 The Great Reformers
- 10:55 Unseen Miracles
- 13:07 The Triple Triangle
- 15:00 The Three Sacraments
- 18:03 Beyond the Demiurge
- 20:14 First Cause
- 21:22 Where Do Thoughts Come From?
- 23:18 The Masonic Trinity
- 24:51 Palladium - Pallas Athene
- 27:22 Tessera
- 29:47 Conclusions
- The History of the Christian Religion (Amazon)
- Palladium (Wikipedia)
- Athena (Wikipedia)
- Nashville Parthenon (NashvilleParthenon.com)
- Notarikon (Wikipedia)
- Yahweh (Wikipedia)
- Demiurge (Wikipedia)
- Yaldabaoth (Wikipedia)
- The Jesus Prayer (Wikipedia)
- Philip K. Dick (Wikipedia)