29th Degree: Knight of Saint Andrew
Transcripts, Chapter Markers and Show Notes for all episodes are available from our website - WayOfTheHermit.com.
In this episode, the rich symbolism and rituals of the "Scottish Knight of Saint Andrew" degree in Freemasonry are explored in depth. The Saint Andrew’s Cross, an equal-armed x-shaped cross, is identified as the main symbol of the degree, with its presence in the ritual space and on the regalia of the officers, who are dressed as Knights. The cross is adorned with the Tetragrammaton, emphasizing the spiritual and elemental significance of the symbol. The ritual involves lighting candles in the shape of the cross, each representing a duty expected of a Knight of Saint Andrew, such as reverence for the Deity and service to Truth.
The episode delves into the nine knightly virtues that are central to the degree, which are grouped into three categories reflecting one's relationship to self, others, and actions in the world: Humility, Patience, and Self-denial; Charity, Clemency, and Generosity; and Virtue, Truth, and Honor.
The discussion also touches on the challenges posed by scientific skepticism to spiritual beliefs and the balance between embracing technology and maintaining spiritual integrity. The esoteric interpretations of the Saint Andrew’s Cross are examined, including its representation of the alchemical process and the integration of elemental forces within the individual.
The symbolism of the Banner of the Order, the concept of Western Yoga, and the significance of the Tetragrammaton are also discussed, culminating in reflections on the depth of the Scottish Rite system and its encapsulation of the Western Mystery Tradition.
The series on the Scottish Rite uses the following primary sources (which you are encouraged to read as well):
- Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma: Annotated Edition
- Scottish Rite Ritual Monitor & Guide
- A Bridge to Light
- 01:14 Introduction
- 01:51 Degree Ritual
- 08:34 Purpose of the Degree
- 09:08 Morals and Dogma
- 09:47 Knightly Virtues
- 11:49 Science and Technology
- 15:56 Saint Andrew’s Cross
- 17:30 Banner of the Order
- 19:02 Western Yoga
- 20:04 Crossing the Streams
- 22:08 Tetragrammaton
- 23:37 The Sphinx
- 26:11 The Lemniscate
- 27:10 The Juggler
- 28:54 Lucifer’s Crown
- 31:23 Third Eye
- 33:18 Conclusions
- Andrew the Apostle (Wikipedia)
- Robert the Bruce (Wikipedia)
- “Outlaw King” Trailer (YouTube)
- Knights Templar (Wikipedia)
- Battle of Bannockburn (Wikipedia)
- Picts (Wikipedia)
- Flag of Scotland (Wikipedia)
- Stream of Consciousness (Wikipedia)
- Magician Tarot Card (Wikipedia)
- Lemniscate (Wikipedia)
- Third Eye (Wikipedia)
- Pineal Gland (Wikipedia)