27 – Preparing for ISTE: Tips and Tricks for Attendees and Onlookers
Instructional Tech Talk – Episode 27 – Preparing for ISTE: Tips and Tricks for Attendees and Onlookers
Jeff Herb – @InstTechTalk
Jon Samuelson – @jonsamuelson
Show Notes:
Here is the page for live coverage of ISTE 2015 by Jeff Herb: ISTE on the Record by ITT
Location app that Jon mentioned: Swarm
Post about narrowing your focus at conferences: 3 Tips to Attending Conferences Successfully
CoffeeEDU – Meet us at 6am each day at Starbucks on Market Street (all educators welcome!)
**Be open to talking with people! Take a second and look around, enjoy the time you're there and start conversations with new people. Build your PLN.**
Check out the Exhibition Hall and remember to make it to the random aisles – talk to vendors you've never heard about.
Website Jon mentioned: Stampsy
Find Jeff on Voxer: jeffherb