DiscoverPotent Truth270: Ayahuasca in the Depths of the Amazon Jungle
270: Ayahuasca in the Depths of the Amazon Jungle

270: Ayahuasca in the Depths of the Amazon Jungle

Update: 2023-03-13


With many people preaching (and bragging) about their use of psychedelics, I am on a mission to bring reverence and respect back to the plant medicine space.

In this episode, I share more about my relationship with ayahuasca and get real about this sacred plant. Tune in and learn what constitutes a true Shipibo masterplant dieta, the importance of doing your own work in a ceremonial space, what it’s like to sit with plant medicine in the jungle, why you need to be cautious about the shamans that you choose to sit with, our society’s relationship with labels and obsession with ‘doing’ and how that’s negatively affecting your wellbeing, and the importance of creating space in our daily lives. You’ll also hear me speak on my experiences with plant medicine dietas in the jungle. For more on my plant medicine journeys, check out Potent Truth episode 248: "Kambo, Ayahuasca and My Journey with Sacred Medicines."

​​​​If you’re feeling called to evolve and deepen your leadership, I invite you to join me for a 1:1 journey. This is a 6-month journey where I will guide you through your own death and rebirth process. Through this process, you will cultivate a deep understanding of who you truly are so you can begin leading your life with intimacy and integrity. If you’re ready to dive deep into your journey, apply today:

<span data-sheets-value= "{"1":2,"2":"With many people preaching (and bragging) about their use of psychedelics, I am on a mission to bring reverence and respect back to the plant medicine space.\n\nIn this episode, I share more about my relationship with ayahuasca and get real about this sacred plant. Tune in and learn what constitutes a true Shipibo masterplant dieta, the importance of doing your own work in a ceremonial space, what it’s like to sit with plant medicine in the jungle, why you need to be cautious about the shamans that you choose to









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270: Ayahuasca in the Depths of the Amazon Jungle

270: Ayahuasca in the Depths of the Amazon Jungle