DiscoverPotent Truth272: Personal Responsibility and Miracles with Hal Elrod
272: Personal Responsibility and Miracles with Hal Elrod

272: Personal Responsibility and Miracles with Hal Elrod

Update: 2023-03-27


“Our level of success is always going to parallel our level of personal development.”
A quote from Hal Elrod’s book, The Miracle Morning.

Join me and Hal for a conversation that will illuminate the power that comes with taking personal responsibility. In this episode, you’ll learn how to start feeling your emotions instead of bypassing them, why you cannot get what you want without first accepting where you are (even if that means accepting the hard sh1t,) how to be fully present with yourself during difficult times, and deeper context as to why the Miracle Morning really works. Hal and I also talk about ways that you can help prevent dis-ease in your mind and body. 
First and foremost, Hal Elrod is a family man. He is a loyal husband to his wife of 13 years, and a dedicated father to their two children. His mission in life is to fulfill his potential while helping as many people as possible to do the same.
After surviving multiple near-death experiences and impacting millions of people through his books and speeches, Hal is on a mission to elevate the consciousness of humanity, one morning at a time. As the author of 12 books, most notably, The Miracle Morning—which is translated into 37 languages and has sold over 3 million copies—he is doing exactly that.
When he’s not with his family, he is sharing his message as an author and keynote speaker. He’s also appeared on The Today Show, he’s been featured in SUCCESS Magazine, and written for

Hal’s latest projects are the new (free) Miracle Morning App and The Miracle Morning Movie–a documentary that shows you how millions of people are transforming their lives, by simply changing how they start their day.

<span data-sheets-value= "{"1":2,"2":"“Our level of success is always going to parallel our level of personal development.”\nA quote from Hal Elrod’s book, The Miracle Morning. \n\nJoin me and Hal for a conversation that will illuminate the power that comes with taking personal responsibility. In this episode, you’ll learn how to start feeling your emotions instead of bypassing them, why you cannot get what you want without first accepting where you are (even if that means accepting the hard sh1t,) how to be fully present with yourself during difficult times, and deeper context as to why the Miracle Morning really works. Hal and I also talk about ways that you can help prevent dis-ease in your mind and body. \nFirst and foremost, Hal Elrod is a family man. He is a loyal husband to his wife of 13 years, and a dedicated father to their two children.









Sleep Timer


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272: Personal Responsibility and Miracles with Hal Elrod

272: Personal Responsibility and Miracles with Hal Elrod