315. Six Years
To celebrate six years of recording the podcast together, Pete and Jen noodle on six ideas (plus a bonus) that they wish they had known at the start.
Specifically, in this episode Jen and Pete talk about:
- How might we better trust in our own ideas?
- What were the outcomes that Pete was hoping for, for the podcast? And Jen?
- Why is it so important to get things on the calendar?
- How might we more deeply cherish the moments we spend in person with each other? And also relish what we can do remotely?
- How might we think about and commit to speaking about what we know?
- What is the importance of a newsletter, or many different avenues of communication?
To hear all episodes and read full transcripts, visit The Long and The Short Of It website: https://thelongandtheshortpodcast.com/.
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Learn more about Pete's work here (https://humanperiscope.com/) and Jen's work here (https://jenwaldman.com/).