DiscoverRotten Mango#370: Toxic Pastor Humiliates Wife In Sermon, She Leaves Him, Then Found Mysteriously Dead In River
#370: Toxic Pastor Humiliates Wife In Sermon, She Leaves Him, Then Found Mysteriously Dead In River

#370: Toxic Pastor Humiliates Wife In Sermon, She Leaves Him, Then Found Mysteriously Dead In River

Update: 2024-06-2711


This episode of Rotten Mango Podcast continues to investigate the death of Micah Miller, the wife of Pastor JP, a well-known pastor in South Carolina. The episode delves into the power imbalance in their relationship, highlighting Pastor JP's alleged controlling behavior and manipulation of Micah. The episode explores a viral video of Pastor JP, seemingly in a state of distress, where he discusses his plans to travel and preach at other churches, seemingly using Micah's death to his advantage. The episode then examines Micah's perspective, revealing her struggles with abuse and her attempts to seek help and escape the relationship. The episode also discusses the circumstances surrounding Micah's death, including the discovery of her body in a marsh and the allegations of abuse and manipulation by Pastor JP. The episode explores conflicting narratives surrounding Micah's death, including the possibility of foul play. The episode examines the allegations of abuse against Pastor JP, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, as well as his alleged attempts to isolate Micah from her family and friends. The episode also discusses the death of Chris Skinner, the husband of Pastor JP's alleged mistress, Suzy, and the allegations that Pastor JP was involved in his death. The episode concludes by examining the allegations of abuse against Pastor JP, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, as well as his alleged attempts to isolate Micah from her family and friends. The episode raises questions about the circumstances surrounding Micah's death and the role that Pastor JP may have played in it. The episode also discusses the recent involvement of the FBI in the case, which is running a parallel investigation into Micah's death. The episode also notes that the Sheriff's Office has stopped responding to FOIA requests and that the evidence remains under suppression orders. The episode also discusses the decline in attendance at Pastor JP's church, Solid Rock, since Micah's death. The episode concludes by encouraging listeners to stay safe and to check the Justice for Micah website for updates on the case.



This Chapter introduces the case of Micah Miller, the wife of Pastor JP, who was found dead in a state park. The episode will explore the allegations of abuse and manipulation against Pastor JP and the circumstances surrounding Micah's death.

Viral Video of Pastor JP

This Chapter discusses a viral video of Pastor JP, seemingly in a state of distress, which was posted on Facebook weeks after Micah's death. The video's caption accuses Pastor JP of abusing and discrediting his victims.

Pastor JP's Pre-Marital Sermon Series

This Chapter explores Pastor JP's pre-marital sermon series, where he discusses the battles of men and women in marriage. His views on women's roles and sexuality are highlighted, raising concerns about his perspectives on relationships.

The Affair with Micah

This Chapter delves into the alleged affair between Pastor JP and Micah, who was his wife's close friend and babysitter. The episode explores the dynamics of their relationship and the allegations of grooming and manipulation by Pastor JP.

Micah's Death

This Chapter details the discovery of Micah's body in a marsh and the investigation into her death. The episode explores the evidence found at the scene, including Micah's belongings and her car.

Allison's Perspective

This Chapter presents Allison's perspective on the affair between Pastor JP and Micah. Allison, Pastor JP's first wife, reveals her trust in Micah and her belief that Micah was a safety net for her children.

The Allegations of Grooming

This Chapter explores the allegations of grooming and manipulation by Pastor JP towards Micah, starting from when she was 15 years old. The episode discusses the power imbalance in their relationship and the influence Pastor JP had over Micah's life.

The Alleged Affair with Suzy

This Chapter examines the allegations of an affair between Pastor JP and Suzy, the wife of his son's soccer buddy. The episode discusses the impact of this alleged affair on the children and the denial of the affair by both Pastor JP and Suzy.

Pastor JP's Response to Micah's Departure

This Chapter explores Pastor JP's response to Micah's departure, where he claims she left him to build a school in Africa. He also discusses his plans to travel and preach at other churches, seemingly using Micah's death to his advantage.

Micah's Perspective

This Chapter presents Micah's perspective on her relationship with Pastor JP, where she reveals her struggles with abuse and her attempts to seek help and escape the relationship. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing abuse and seeking support.

Micah's Final Days

This Chapter details Micah's final days, including her filing for legal separation and her attempts to move on with her life. The episode also discusses the circumstances surrounding her death and the conflicting narratives surrounding it.

Pastor JP's Announcement of Micah's Death

This Chapter examines Pastor JP's announcement of Micah's death to his congregation, highlighting the bizarre and emotionless nature of his announcement. The episode also discusses the allegations that he used Micah's death to his advantage and that he did not give time to her family to grieve.

Micah's Memorial Service

This Chapter explores the memorial service held for Micah at the Solid Rock Church, where Pastor JP gives a speech that is perceived as strange and inappropriate by many. The episode discusses the allegations that he used the memorial service to promote himself and that he did not truly honor Micah's memory.

The Investigation and Allegations

This Chapter delves into the investigation surrounding Micah's death and the various allegations against Pastor JP. The episode explores the conflicting narratives surrounding her death, including the possibility of foul play. The episode also discusses the allegations of abuse against Pastor JP, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, as well as his alleged attempts to isolate Micah from her family and friends.

The Official Ruling and Theories

This Chapter examines the official ruling of Micah's death as a self-exit and explores the various theories surrounding her death. The episode discusses the evidence presented by law enforcement and the arguments made by netizens who believe that Micah was murdered.

Netizen Theories

This Chapter explores the various theories surrounding Micah's death, including the possibility that Pastor JP killed her or that he was the driving force behind her death. The episode also discusses the allegations of an affair between Pastor JP and Susie Skinner and the conflicting narratives surrounding his alibi.

The AI Theory

This Chapter explores the theory that Micah's 911 call was faked using AI. The episode discusses the possibility of AI being used in crimes and the implications for investigations.

The Medical Examiner's Report

This Chapter examines the preliminary summary of the circumstances surrounding Micah's death released by the North Carolina Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. The episode discusses the evidence presented in the report and the arguments made by netizens who believe that Micah was murdered.

The Accountability Theory

This Chapter explores the theory that Micah did die by self-exit, but that Pastor JP should still be held accountable for his actions. The episode discusses the allegations of abuse and manipulation against Pastor JP and the impact of his actions on Micah's life.

Pastor JP's TikTok Videos

This Chapter examines the series of TikTok videos posted by Pastor JP in response to the allegations against him. The episode discusses his claims of innocence and his attempts to discredit Micah and her family.

The Bruise Allegations

This Chapter explores the allegations that Micah had bruises on her body, which Pastor JP denies. The episode discusses the conflicting narratives surrounding the evidence and the credibility of the witnesses.

The Tattoo Allegations

This Chapter examines the allegations that Pastor JP got a tattoo of Micah's name on his body after her death. The episode discusses the significance of the tattoo and the implications for the case.

FBI Involvement

This Chapter discusses the recent involvement of the FBI in the case, which is running a parallel investigation into Micah's death. The episode also notes that the Sheriff's Office has stopped responding to FOIA requests and that the evidence remains under suppression orders.

Solid Rock's Decline

This Chapter discusses the decline in attendance at Pastor JP's church, Solid Rock, since Micah's death. The episode notes that attendance has dropped from close to 700 people on Sundays to about 50 people. The episode also notes that Pastor JP has been released from his ministerial duties.


Pastor JP

Pastor JP is a well-known pastor in South Carolina who is the subject of this episode. He is accused of abusing and manipulating his wives, Micah Miller and Allison, and is also linked to the deaths of his alleged mistress's husband, Chris Skinner, and his wife, Micah Miller.

Micah Miller

Micah Miller is the wife of Pastor JP who was found dead in a state park. She is alleged to have been a victim of abuse and manipulation by Pastor JP. The episode explores the circumstances surrounding her death and the allegations against her husband.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner. It can include physical, sexual, emotional, economic, and psychological abuse. The episode explores the allegations of domestic violence against Pastor JP, including physical abuse, emotional manipulation, and sexual coercion.


Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a victim's mind, making them question their own sanity. The episode discusses how Pastor JP allegedly used gaslighting tactics to control Micah, making her doubt her own experiences and perceptions.

Religious Trauma

Religious trauma is a form of trauma that occurs when a person's religious beliefs or practices are used to harm or control them. The episode explores the allegations that Pastor JP used religion to manipulate and control Micah, making her feel guilty and ashamed for questioning him or trying to leave him.


Grooming is a process used by abusers to gain the trust and affection of a victim, often a child or vulnerable adult, in order to manipulate and abuse them. The episode explores the allegations that Pastor JP groomed Micah from the time she was 15 years old, using his position of authority and influence to gain control over her.

South Carolina

South Carolina is a state in the southeastern United States. The episode takes place in South Carolina, where Pastor JP is a well-known pastor and where Micah Miller was found dead.

Rotten Mango Podcast

Rotten Mango Podcast is a podcast that investigates true crime cases, focusing on the stories of victims and the circumstances surrounding their deaths. This episode of Rotten Mango Podcast explores the case of Micah Miller and the allegations against her husband, Pastor JP.

Chris Skinner

Chris Skinner is the husband of Pastor JP's alleged mistress, Suzy. He was found dead in a community pool in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The episode explores the circumstances surrounding his death and the allegations that Pastor JP was involved.

Suzy Skinner

Suzy Skinner is the alleged mistress of Pastor JP. She is married to Chris Skinner, who was found dead in a community pool. The episode discusses the allegations of an affair between Pastor JP and Suzy and the impact of this alleged affair on Chris Skinner and his family.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the primary investigative agency of the United States federal government. The episode discusses the recent involvement of the FBI in the case, which is running a parallel investigation into Micah's death.


The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a law that gives the public the right to request records from federal agencies. The episode notes that the Sheriff's Office has stopped responding to FOIA requests and that the evidence remains under suppression orders.


  • What are the allegations against Pastor JP?

    The allegations against Pastor JP include physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, as well as his alleged attempts to isolate Micah from her family and friends. He is accused of controlling Micah's finances, hacking into her accounts, and using her children to manipulate her. He is also accused of having affairs with multiple women, including Suzy Skinner, and of being involved in the deaths of both Micah and Chris Skinner.

  • What is the significance of the viral video of Pastor JP?

    The viral video of Pastor JP, seemingly in a state of distress, was posted on Facebook weeks after Micah's death. The video's caption accuses Pastor JP of abusing and discrediting his victims. The video raises questions about Pastor JP's mental state and his behavior, and it has contributed to the public's interest in the case.

  • What is the relationship between Micah and Allison?

    Micah and Allison, Pastor JP's first wife, had a close relationship. Allison viewed Micah as a safety net for her children and trusted her more than her own ex-husband. This is despite the fact that Pastor JP allegedly had an affair with Micah while he was married to Allison.

  • What are the circumstances surrounding Micah's death?

    Micah's body was found in a marsh in a state park. The episode explores the evidence found at the scene, including Micah's belongings and her car. The episode also discusses the allegations of abuse and manipulation by Pastor JP, which raise questions about the circumstances surrounding her death.

  • What is the role of religion in this case?

    Religion plays a significant role in this case. Pastor JP is a pastor, and he allegedly used religion to manipulate and control Micah. He is accused of using religious guilt and shame to keep Micah from leaving him and of using his position of authority to gain control over her.

  • What is the significance of the death of Chris Skinner?

    Chris Skinner, the husband of Pastor JP's alleged mistress, Suzy, was found dead in a community pool. The episode explores the circumstances surrounding his death and the allegations that Pastor JP was involved. The timing of Chris Skinner's death, shortly after Pastor JP allegedly confronted him about the affair, raises questions about the possibility of foul play.

  • What is the impact of these allegations on the church community?

    The allegations against Pastor JP have caused a significant stir in the church community. Many people have left the congregation, while others remain hopeful that Pastor JP will change his ways. The episode explores the impact of these allegations on the church and the community as a whole.

  • What is the current status of the investigation?

    The investigation into Micah's death is still ongoing. The episode highlights the fact that the investigation is still underway and that new information may come to light. The episode also encourages listeners to stay updated on the case by checking the Justice for Micah website.

  • What is the message of this episode?

    This episode of Rotten Mango Podcast highlights the dangers of domestic violence and manipulation, particularly in the context of religious authority. The episode also emphasizes the importance of supporting victims of abuse and holding abusers accountable for their actions.

  • What is the significance of the allegations of grooming?

    The allegations of grooming by Pastor JP towards Micah, starting from when she was 15 years old, are particularly disturbing. The episode explores the power imbalance in their relationship and the influence Pastor JP had over Micah's life. The allegations raise concerns about the potential for abuse and manipulation in relationships where there is a significant age gap and a power dynamic.

  • Why has the FBI gotten involved in the case?

    The FBI has gotten involved in the case because of the numerous suspicions raised by the public about Micah's death. Some sources state that the police reached out to the FBI at the beginning of the investigation, while others state that the FBI got involved because of the public pressure. The episode does not provide a definitive answer, but it highlights the fact that the FBI is now running a parallel investigation into Micah's death.

Show Notes

A church in South Carolina has gone viral recently--even making national headlines. A young pastor by the name of JP is caught on a recorded sermon saying:

“One day I’m going to preach about getting rich, strong, healthy, and finding a hot wife that loves Jesus!” 

The congregation laughs awkwardly because on his left hand ring finger is a wedding band—he’s already married—but he won’t be for much longer. 

Just a few weeks later, Pastor JP’s wife—14 years younger than him—is found face down, submerged in a marsh, an entire state away. 

Just four days after that, the media reports that Pastor JP was drinking at a bar with a woman thought to be his mistress. 

This is the ongoing investigation into the tragic death of Mica Francis Miller. 

Mica Francis Miller’s Go Fund Me link:

Official Justice For Mica website link:

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#370: Toxic Pastor Humiliates Wife In Sermon, She Leaves Him, Then Found Mysteriously Dead In River

#370: Toxic Pastor Humiliates Wife In Sermon, She Leaves Him, Then Found Mysteriously Dead In River

Stephanie Soo & Ramble