#4 - How can financial companies help create a more sustainable society?
Presented as key to transition to net zero and fairer economies, green and social finance has witnessed a fast expansion in recent years. What transformational role can financial companies really play in creating a more sustainable society?
In this episode of #Positive.Leaders we are joined by Philippe Zaouati, CEO of Mirova, an asset management company specializing in sustainable investment, created within Natixis in 2014, and Helena Mueller, COO of Green Assets Wallet, an independent platform using Blockchain to make the investments into green bonds more transparent and immutable. While both believe that sustainable investing is crucial in transforming our two-century-old economic structure into models that preserve the environment and promote social inclusion, Philippe explains how Mirova balances societal interest and financial profit. and Helena Mueller talks about the importance of digital tools in accelerating the transition to greener investment.
Together we explore whether there is room for a new narrative to emerge around our economic and financial system, how established financial institutions can be part of a systemic transformation, as well as look at current advances and future challenges..
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