43. Fake Less, Live More
Y’all it’s time to Fake Less and Live More
Sometimes you have to wash your hands of the shit everyone else puts on your plate
Faking it til you make it has an expiration date, and that is whenever you wake up, sit at the edge of your bed, and wonder whether anything beyond the ho hum will ever exist again
Yes, this current season of life may be extra defeating
AND all seasons shift, and there are so many incrementally possible near futures
Where you’re faking being fine less
And you’re able to access living more
For some this looks like smiling and waving at the neighbors dog after years of wishing you could but always dreading being deemed “the weird neighbor” by your creepy window watching neighbors
For others this might look like telling your In Laws that you really don’t like that dish they always make for you because you once said it was good out of performative politeness when in reality being fed it every week has you considering changing your phone number
However living more looks for you, know that you don’t have to get there on your own
The habit of making yourself small and faking being fine took a lifetime to develop, for so many valid reasons
So it’s only humane to approach shifting the weight of that shit off of you with a tortoise’s sense of time in mind
Will 3 months in the Shit Shifters Society heal you from all the things that keep you up at night?
Nope, that would be a really gross and manipulative poison carrot to dangle in front of you
Might being a Shit Shifter equip you with the tools, community, and self literacy to sustain living life more as your full ass self?
Absolfuckinlutely. That’s my greatest intention and the standard I’m holding myself to.
If you’ve read this far, here’s the permission slip you’ve been wanting to give yourself:
Taking up space in your own life creates more room for being in right relationship
Your needs matter, and prioritizing them is one way to live more.
Live more for yourself
Live more for your dearest loved ones
Live more for your community
Live more because life is sooo worth living
When we’re doing it together
Join the Shit Shifters Society before doors close on October 8, 2023 (they reopen end of December, so no gross FOMO marketing is needed)