Befriending Your Unique Decision Making Style featuring Kirsten Parker
Gust episodes are back as we begin season 4 of the Improviding Life Podcast with a bake, I mean bang!
Decision Coach Kirsten Parker joins us as we play with the word "friendly" through the lens of Tool of Improviding #4 - ID the Ship
Take a listen if you want to explore what makes a one of a kind friendship so meaningful, how the daily decisions we underthink may actually fill our cup the best, and how life can be more livable when you know what values are a priority in your current season of life.
Kirsten can help you master your decision making at:
Decision Style Quiz:
Maximize Your Decision Style - Free Workshop:
The Crash Course to Say No is on Kirsten's homepage:
IG: @kpcoaching
TikTok: @thedecisioncoach
Listen to The Decision Masters Podcast: