DiscoverCoaching for Leaders482: How to Sell Your Vision, with Michael Hyatt
482: How to Sell Your Vision, with Michael Hyatt

482: How to Sell Your Vision, with Michael Hyatt

Update: 2020-07-278


Michael Hyatt: The Vision-Driven Leader

Michael is the Chief Executive Officer and founder of Michael Hyatt & Company. He has scaled multiple companies over the years, including a $250M publishing company with 700+ employees and his own leadership development company that has grown over 60% year over year for the past 4 years. Under his leadership, Michael Hyatt & Company has been featured in the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing companies in America for three years in a row.

He is also the author of several New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling books, including Platform*, Living Forward*, Your Best Year Ever*, and Free to Focus*. He enjoys The Double Win with his wife of 40+ years, five daughters, and nine grandchildren. He recently released his newest book: The Vision-Driven Leader: 10 Questions to Focus Your Efforts, Energize Your Team, and Scale Your Business*.

In this conversation, Michael and I discuss where to start once you’ve created an initial vision. Michael invites us to engage those that don’t like change and take the time to listen. In addition, getting buy-in from your boss is essential — your vision should align with their goals and those of the organization.

Key Points

Start with your direct reports who don’t like change. Be quick to listen, slow to speak.

Make the distinction between risky vs. stupid.

Bosses don’t like surprises. You have to commit first.

When I had a boss, I had a basic rule: Don’t take a swing unless I’m confident I’ll hit the ball. -Michael Hyatt

Know your customer. Make sure the vision is helping your boss — and the organization — achieve their goals.

Before you schedule a time to pitch your proposal, answer the question: how is my Vision Script going to help my boss achieve their goals? If you can’t answer that question, you’re not ready to make the pitch. -Michael Hyatt

Anticipate the objections you’re likely to receive and be ready for them.

Once you’ve got buy-in on a vision, stop. Don’t oversell it.

When you’re starting to get tired of hearing yourself talk about the vision, that’s an indicator that you’re on the right track.

Resources Mentioned

Vision Driven Leader bonus resources

Book Notes

Download my highlights from The Vision-Driven Leader in PDF format (free membership required).

Related Episodes

How to Get Noticed in a Noisy World, with Michael Hyatt (episode 40)

How to Create a Vivid Vision, with Cameron Herold (episode 345)

Embrace a Just Cause, with Simon Sinek (episode 473)

How to Create Your Personal Vision (free membership required)

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482: How to Sell Your Vision, with Michael Hyatt

482: How to Sell Your Vision, with Michael Hyatt

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