5 Simple Tips To Help You Raise a Healthy Eater with Maryann Jacobsen, MS, RD
How do you get a "picky" eater to try and explore new foods? What is food neophobia? Why is structured eating so beneficial? And is it OK to use food as a parenting tool?
Here to help explore and answer some of these questions with us today is Maryann Jacobsen, MS RD.
Maryann is a registered dietician and family nutrition expert who empowers families to create a healthy relationship with food for optimal health and well being. She is the author of multiple books including, "How to Raise a Mindful Eater," "The Family Dinner Solution," and the co-author of "Fearless Feeding: how to raise healthy eaters from high chair to High School."
In this conversation we explore:
- The difference between picky eating and problem feeding
- What food neophobia is and how it can impact children
- The difference between grazing and structured eating
- How to introduce new foods to your toddler
- How to end meal time battles
- Why we shouldn't be using food as a parenting tool
- And so much more!
Connect with Maryann online, Instagram, and Facebook.
The Wise Consumer Show Notes: https://thewiseconsumer.com/tips-to-help-you-raise-a-healthy-eater/