5. Why Gym and Diet Culture are Anti-Longevity and Anti-Environmentalism
In today's episode I chat with Dr. Supatra Tovar. We discuss how gym culture and diet culture are the same forms of extremism and how they both are anti-environmental in their current forms.
As one of the only clinical psychologists who is also a registered dietitian and certified fitness expert, Dr. Tovar teaches clients how to use research-based techniques in behavioral psychology, nutritional science, and exercise kinesiology to overcome complex challenges. She harnesses the different disciplines of her unique background to show her clients how small modifications to daily habits can transform mindsets, enhance personal relationships, and accelerate professional trajectories. Dr. Tovar has helped clients navigate through trauma, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, and grief.
Dr. Tovar's Links:
drsupatratovar.com anew-insight.com Dr T IG https://www.instagram.com/drsupatratovar ANEW IG https://www.instagram.com/my.anew.insight Dr T FB https://www.facebook.com/drsupatratovar ANEW FB https://www.facebook.com/my.anew.insight Dr T LInkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/drsupatratovar/ Dr T Threads https://www.threads.net/@drsupatratovar ANEW Threads https://www.threads.net/@my.anew.insight Dr. TikTock https://www.tiktok.com/@drsupatratovar ANEW TokTock https://www.tiktok.com/@my.anew.insight Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@my.anew.insight
Dr. D's Links:
Time Stamps:
00:00 The Misconceptions of Weight Loss and Exercise
00:48 The Dangers of Extreme Dieting and Exercise
02:31 Listening to Your Body Over Gym Culture
03:50 The Pressure on Fitness Professionals
07:32 The Historical Context of Diet and Gym Culture
14:05 A Holistic Approach to Fitness
19:27 The Reality of Gym Culture and Social Media
29:51 The Sexualization of Fitness
30:51 Integrity vs. Profit in Fitness
31:54 Finding Fulfillment in Helping Others
34:28 The Protein Myth
37:19 Environmental and Ethical Concerns
38:08 The Impact of Gym Culture
48:09 The Influence of Personal Choices
51:13 Hope for the Future: Gen Z
52:32 Conclusion and Final Thoughts