53: Chris Brewer
Chris Brewer joins us from Ottawa, Illinois in search of questions about professional wrestling and The Office. Chris is a great guy who you may know from our weekly Twitch stream since he’s gifted several of you with subscriptions to the channel! You’ll get to hear him in back-to-back episodes because he’ll be facing off against Jeff Clear in a Tandem Mode game next week. Enjoy!
*Unfortunately, when we recorded this, I was recovering from Covid, so my voice is pretty weak and tired. It get’s better in a couple of weeks.
Episode Links:
Where to Eat in Ottawa, IL: BASH (Burger and Sushi House)
Brew Pubs in Ottawa: Tangled Roots
Non-Trivia Podcast: Time Suck
Last Wikipedia Search: The age of the lead singer of The White Buffalo (according to a Last.fm article, Jake Smith was born in 1974)
Favorite TV Theme: Wentworth
Favorite Movie Soundtrack: The Wall
Favorite Trivia: If you spell out all of the numbers in order, you will get to “One Thousand” before you find the letter “A”.
Where do you quiz? Tangled Roots & The Trivia Workshop Tuesday Twitch Quiz
Be sure to check out all the links at https://linktr.ee/TriviaWorkshop and sign yourself up to play the game!