63: Chris Brewer
Chris is back again for another game this week, in search of questions on Wrestling and The Office. He scored a 13 in a Tandem Mode game, but he was looking for his first double-digit solo game this time out. See if he pulled it off…
Episode Links:
What have you learned this week? Steven Spielberg’s first Oscar was for Schindler’s List and Marvel’s first hero was Human Torch.
What are you into right now? Writing trivia for the new podcast, Skilletbrew Trivia, and setting up the Lego Christmas village.
What is the last thing you looked up online? The Three Stooges
Jeopardy! Dream Category: Wrestling
Favorite Tangents Episode(s): Jay Borsom, Mike Baney, David Kantorski
Be sure to track down Chris’ new podcast project Skilletbrew Trivia, which he’s currently workshopping on the PTE Network.
And as always, check out the link tree here: https://linktr.ee/TriviaWorkshop