58: Is My Kid Doing This on Purpose?
Many parents who get overwhelmed by their kids' behavior tend to question their parenting skills and wonder if their kids are doing this on purpose. More often than not, we assume that our kids are doing everything on purpose, but there's so much more behind it. We must consider even the minor factors that might contribute to our kids' behaviors.
As we continue to dive deep into the journey of changing how people view and treat children's mental health, we'll shed light on your kid's behavior and answer one of the frequent concerns of many parents regarding their kid's behavior and whether or not their kid is doing this on purpose.
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Get The Ultimate School Accommodations Guide
I am passionate about helping you and your child the help you need. That's why I've put together The Ultimate School Accommodations Guide - it covers over 30 common conditions and helps you get the support your child needs. Download it today for FREE at https://www.drroseann.com/504