DiscoverThis American Life714: Day at the Beach
714: Day at the Beach

714: Day at the Beach

Update: 2023-08-1311


It’s the last few weeks of summer, so we’re going to the beach! This week, stories from the surf and sand.

  • Prologue: Host Ira Glass reflects on his feelings about going to the beach. (3 minutes)
  • Act One: Producer Dana Chivvis explores the case of a 66-year-old working lifeguard who is suing New York State for age discrimination after refusing to wear a Speedo on the job. (15 minutes)
  • Act Two: Alex Blumberg talks to Shane Dubow about a time decades ago, when Shane went sea kayaking and camping with his friends on the beach in Baja California, Mexico. When Shane’s neck stiffens up on him, he finds himself looking for an unlikely chiropractor, in the middle of nowhere. (11 minutes)
  • Act Three: This clip is from what Ira calls “the beachiest show” public radio ever made. It’s a segment from NPR’s 1970’s show, Ocean Hour. In it we hear from a man who lives on the beach, literally. He explains how it provides him everything he needs to survive. You can hear the original hour of radio, which included The Beachcomber, courtesy of Nation Public Radio, Inc. (3 minutes)
  • Act Four: David Sedaris comes from a big family, who for many years growing up, took annual vacations to the same beach house. In this story, David tells us about losing a sister, and how her death prompted a family reunion back at the beach. David is the author of many books, including Calypso. (27 minutes)

Transcripts are available at

Comments (13)

MAGA in chaos, humiliated by surrender

Ahh so delicious. MAGA are in complete PANIC. 🤭 "How do we obediently pretend Trump getting wrecked for his crimes is a good thing? How!?" Shrieked one MAGA imbecile. They have tried lots of angles, angles that are thoroughly stomped the moment they open their mouths. "But Trump owns the...oh. The Fulton County Sheriff's Department owns the copyright of the mugshot. Oh." Whoops. Try again? 🤣 "But he's making money off it! Oh. Just like anyone who wants to make merch featuring it, including the Biden Campaign. Oh. And he's only making money off it from his obedient MAGA slaves, who were already sending all their money as instructed. Oh." Whoops. Try again? 🤣 "In order to pursue a claim for copyright infringement, the owner of the copyright 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 who is the Fulton County Sheriff's Department 👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆 would have to be the one to sue." HAHAHA did you think that because Trump looked CUCKED in it that...he owned it? 🤭 POOR GULLIBLE RETARD HAHAHA Buy another mug kiddo, there's nothin

Aug 28th

Got em'

Ahhh gullible reCUCKlickens' sending cash to Biden by buying the HUMILIATING mug shot of Donald (Rapist) Trump. Thank jezuz Trump does NOT own the copyright. 😆 He surrendered. It's over sweet retard. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Check out the loser scrolling like an LOSER with no life! ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Aug 28th

Got em'

"In order to pursue a claim for copyright infringement, the owner of the copyright 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 who is the Fulton County Sheriff's Department 👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆 would have to be the one to sue." HAHAHA did you think that because Trump looked CUCKED in it that...he owned it? 🤭 POOR GULLIBLE RETARD HAHAHA Buy another mug kiddo, there's nothing stopping you from printing your own. 🤣... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Check out the loser scrolling like an LOSER with no life! ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Aug 28th

Got em'

Translation: Trump is easily duping retard MAGA into buying merchandise again, because he doesn't have enough of dirt poor wallmart greeters cash yet. 😆 Good thing the PRISON owns the copyright. 🤭 "In order to pursue a claim for copyright infringement, the owner of the copyright 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 who is the Fulton County Sheriff's Department 👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆 would have to be the one to sue." HAHAHA did you think that because Trump looked CUCKED in it that...he owned it? 🤭 POOR GULLIBLE RETARD HAHAHA Buy another mug kiddo, there's nothing stopping you from printing your own. 🤣... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Check out the loser scrolling like an LOSER with no life! ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Aug 28th

You Missed

President Trump is making in excess of one million dollars per day from the "mugshot". Ah, libs. Bless their hearts.

Aug 28th
Reply (1)

Got em'

Obedient MAGA forced to mentally erase the MANY times CURRENT President Biden addressed the Hawaii fires. Can you blame them for the DESPERATE distraction from the 👉 TRUMP SURRENDER 👈 Reminds me of how Obama repeatedly made his birth certificate available, the Governor of Hawaii did as well, but Republicans had to selectively erase their own memories in order to to obediently repeat Trumps claim that he hadn't. Sad people.... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Check out the loser scrolling like an LOSER with no life! ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Aug 28th

Got em'

Trump hid in terror from being asked tough questions during the GOP debates, he stayed home. He instead submitted softball questions go be asked by fired cuck Carlson. He knew that audience only wants a scripted fawning interview, as he would have wilted under pressure like he did during the Brett Baier interview. Sorry kids, fleeing in terror from a debate you can't handle is very telling.... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Check out the loser scrolling like an LOSER with no life! ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Aug 28th

Got em'

"In order to pursue a claim for copyright infringement, the owner of the copyright 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 who is the Fulton County Sheriff's Department 👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆 would have to be the one to sue." HAHAHA did you think that because Trump looked CUCKED in it that...he owned it? 🤭 POOR GULLIBLE RETARD HAHAHA Buy another mug kiddo, there's nothing stopping you from printing your own. 🤣 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Check out the loser scrolling like an LOSER with no life! ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Aug 28th

You Missed

You seriously think President Trump cares about the "mugshot"? He himself published it first, and is now making money from it. Why are libs so easy to own? I guess because they own themselves at least 1/2 of the time.

Aug 27th
Reply (1)

Lois A. Grimm

"The nut of his argument." ☠️☠️☠️

Aug 26th

You Missed

So called Special Counsel David Weiss once worked with...wait for it..yup, you guessed it - Joe Briben's other son Beau. Now you know the origin of younger brother Hunter's sweetheart tax dodging and gun possession deal that fell apart, and why Weiss is still there to manage damage control. You can't make this level of cronyism and corruption up, folks.

Aug 26th
In Channel
754: Spark Bird

754: Spark Bird


837: Swim Towards the Shark

837: Swim Towards the Shark


836: The Big Rethink

836: The Big Rethink


835: Children of Dave

835: Children of Dave


833: Come Retribution

833: Come Retribution


832: That Other Guy

832: That Other Guy


831: Lists!!!

831: Lists!!!










Sleep Timer


End of Episode

5 Minutes

10 Minutes

15 Minutes

30 Minutes

45 Minutes

60 Minutes

120 Minutes

714: Day at the Beach

714: Day at the Beach

This American Life