DiscoverREAL AF with Andy Frisella742. Real Talk: 3 Crucial Ingredients For Success
742. Real Talk: 3 Crucial Ingredients For Success

742. Real Talk: 3 Crucial Ingredients For Success

Update: 2024-07-131


Andy Priscilla, host of the show for realists, emphasizes that hard work is essential for success but not the sole factor. He argues that while everyone works hard, true success requires a combination of hard work, skill development, and aggressive patience. He stresses the importance of developing skills intentionally, even in seemingly irrelevant tasks, as it builds the habit of excellence. He uses the analogy of baking a cake to illustrate the importance of time and patience in achieving success. Priscilla encourages listeners to take inventory of their work ethic, skill set, and patience levels, urging them to prioritize all three aspects for achieving their goals.



This Chapter introduces the podcast and its host, Andy Priscilla, who sets the stage for a real talk about the elements of success.

Hard Work: The Prerequisite

This Chapter emphasizes that hard work is a fundamental requirement for success, but it's not the only factor. It highlights the common misconception that hard work alone guarantees success.

Skill Set: The Key to Paying the Bills

This Chapter delves into the importance of developing a strong skill set, emphasizing that skills are not just acquired through mistakes but also through intentional learning and personal development. It highlights the significance of excelling in every task, regardless of its perceived relevance to long-term goals.

Time: The Unwavering Factor

This Chapter underscores the crucial role of time in achieving success. It explains that while hard work and skill are essential, they cannot outpace the pace of time. The concept of aggressive patience is introduced, emphasizing the need for consistent effort and patience over an extended period.


Hard Work

Hard work is a fundamental requirement for success, but it's not the only factor. It involves consistent effort, dedication, and perseverance in pursuing goals.

Skill Set

A skill set refers to the abilities, knowledge, and expertise that an individual possesses. It's crucial for success, as it enables individuals to perform tasks effectively and achieve desired outcomes.

Aggressive Patience

Aggressive patience is a mindset that combines a proactive approach with the understanding that success takes time. It involves consistent effort, skill development, and the willingness to persevere through challenges over an extended period.

Andy Priscilla

Andy Priscilla is the host of the podcast "The Show for the Realists." He is known for his realistic and practical advice on achieving success.

Success Formula

The success formula refers to the combination of factors that contribute to achieving desired outcomes. It typically includes elements such as hard work, skill development, strategic planning, and perseverance.

Personal Development

Personal development refers to the ongoing process of improving oneself through self-reflection, learning, and skill enhancement. It encompasses various aspects, including emotional intelligence, communication skills, and leadership qualities.

Habit of Excellence

The habit of excellence refers to the consistent pursuit of high standards and performance in all aspects of life. It involves striving for improvement, exceeding expectations, and maintaining a commitment to quality.

Time Management

Time management refers to the effective use of time to achieve desired goals. It involves prioritizing tasks, setting deadlines, and utilizing time-saving strategies to maximize productivity.


  • What are the key elements that contribute to success, according to Andy Priscilla?

    According to Andy Priscilla, the key elements for success are hard work, developing a strong skill set, and practicing aggressive patience.

  • Why is it important to develop skills intentionally, even in seemingly irrelevant tasks?

    Developing skills intentionally, even in seemingly irrelevant tasks, builds the habit of excellence. It teaches you to strive for improvement and mastery, regardless of the task at hand, which translates to success in all areas of life.

  • What is aggressive patience and why is it important for achieving success?

    Aggressive patience is a mindset that combines a proactive approach with the understanding that success takes time. It involves consistent effort, skill development, and the willingness to persevere through challenges over an extended period. It's essential because it allows you to stay committed to your goals and overcome obstacles that may arise along the way.

  • How does the analogy of baking a cake illustrate the importance of time and patience in achieving success?

    The analogy of baking a cake illustrates that just as a cake needs time to bake properly, achieving success requires patience and consistent effort over an extended period. Rushing the process or trying to shortcut it can lead to undesirable results.

  • What are some practical steps individuals can take to improve their work ethic, skill set, and patience levels?

    To improve their work ethic, individuals can set clear goals, prioritize tasks, and hold themselves accountable for their actions. To develop their skill set, they can pursue formal education, seek mentorship, read books, and practice consistently. To cultivate patience, they can practice mindfulness, focus on the long-term vision, and celebrate small wins along the way.

Show Notes

In today's Real Talk, Andy talks about the three critical pillars of success that you need to build strongly and simultaneously, if you want to guarantee your success in life and in business.

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742. Real Talk: 3 Crucial Ingredients For Success

742. Real Talk: 3 Crucial Ingredients For Success