DiscoverREAL AF with Andy Frisella772. Andy & DJ CTI: Former Aide Charged With Acting As Chinese Agent, Kamala Harris Proposes Trudeau-Style Communist Housing Plan & U.S. Court Of Appeals For The 11th Circuit Will Reverse Judge Cannon's Mar-A-Lago Dismissal
772. Andy & DJ CTI: Former Aide Charged With Acting As Chinese Agent, Kamala Harris Proposes Trudeau-Style Communist Housing Plan & U.S. Court Of Appeals For The 11th Circuit Will Reverse Judge Cannon's Mar-A-Lago Dismissal

772. Andy & DJ CTI: Former Aide Charged With Acting As Chinese Agent, Kamala Harris Proposes Trudeau-Style Communist Housing Plan & U.S. Court Of Appeals For The 11th Circuit Will Reverse Judge Cannon's Mar-A-Lago Dismissal

Update: 2024-09-043


Andy Priscilla, host of the "Real Estate Goodbye to the Lies" podcast, tackles a wide range of issues, from social media negativity and the perceived weakness of the younger generation to the dangers of AI surveillance and the abdication of citizen responsibility. He criticizes the lack of work ethic, entitlement, and reliance on technology in modern society, advocating for a return to traditional values of hard work, resilience, and personal responsibility. Priscilla expresses concern about the future of the country, highlighting the influence of foreign powers, particularly China and Israel, within the US government. He criticizes the government's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, labeling it as a psychological manipulation and propaganda campaign. He also raises concerns about the safety and purpose of polio vaccines, suggesting they may be used for population control. Priscilla criticizes government policies, such as Kamala Harris's housing proposals and Justin Trudeau's initiatives in Canada, arguing that they lead to increased government control and economic hardship. He believes that the government is intentionally creating chaos by allowing illegal migrants to enter the country and by promoting AI surveillance. Throughout the podcast, Priscilla emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility, urging listeners to resist manipulation, stand up for what they believe in, and fight for a better future. He believes that the solution to the problems facing society lies in individuals taking responsibility for their actions and choices.


Introduction and Show Overview

Andy Priscilla introduces the "Real Estate Goodbye to the Lies" podcast, focusing on reality and addressing current issues. He outlines the show's segments, including Q&A, Real Talk, and 75 Hard Versus. He emphasizes the show's ad-free nature and encourages listeners to help grow the show.

Bully Breeds, Labor Day Reflections, and Social Media Toxicity

Andy and DJ discuss their love for bully breeds and the importance of responsible ownership. They reflect on Labor Day, emphasizing the value of hard work and the lack of appreciation for laborers in modern society. Andy expresses frustration with social media's focus on negativity and complaining, advocating for stoicism and a return to traditional values of hard work and resilience.

The Weakness of the Youth and the Need for Change

Andy expresses concern about the future of the country due to the perceived weakness of the younger generation. He criticizes entitlement and a lack of work ethic, advocating for mandatory hard work service. He emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and the need for a cultural shift.

Conspiracy Theories, The Dumbass of the Day, and the Decline of American Strength

Andy discusses conspiracy theories and the importance of seeking truth. He declares all weak and entitled individuals as the "dumbass of the day." He criticizes the lack of physical fitness and resilience in modern society, lamenting the decline of American strength.

Never Forget the Lockdown and Crimes Against Humanity

Andy reminds listeners of the COVID-19 lockdowns and the rhetoric surrounding the unvaccinated. He calls for accountability for those who orchestrated the pandemic response, labeling it as a psychological manipulation and propaganda campaign.

The Israel-Palestine Conflict, Polio Vaccinations, and Chinese Spies

Andy discusses the Israel-Palestine conflict, highlighting the role of the United States and the potential for population control through polio vaccinations. He cites articles suggesting that polio vaccines are causing more cases than the wild virus, raising concerns about their safety and purpose. He discusses the indictment of a New York governor's aide for acting as an agent of the Chinese government, arguing that similar accusations could be made against many government officials.

The Abdication of Citizen Responsibility and the Loss of America

Andy argues that America no longer belongs to the people because they have abdicated their responsibilities. He criticizes apathy, a lack of accountability, and the focus on entertainment over civic engagement. He warns that the country is being exploited by those in power.

Government Policies, AI Surveillance, and the Decline of Personal Responsibility

Andy criticizes Kamala Harris's housing proposals, comparing them to Justin Trudeau's policies in Canada. He highlights the failure of Trudeau's government housing initiatives and the negative impact on Canadians. He argues that such policies lead to increased government control and economic hardship. He discusses a report revealing that a marketing firm admitted to listening to users' phone conversations to target ads. He argues that this is just the tip of the iceberg and that AI surveillance is pervasive, with all online activity and conversations being recorded and stored. He discusses a company that helps employees quit their jobs, highlighting the decline of personal responsibility and the increasing dependence on technology. He criticizes the lack of resilience and self-reliance in modern society.


Bully Breeds

Dog breeds known for their strength and loyalty, often used for working purposes. They require experienced owners who can provide proper training, exercise, and socialization.

Labor Day

A US holiday honoring the contributions of workers. It is a time to reflect on the importance of hard work and the sacrifices made by laborers.


A philosophy emphasizing virtue, reason, and acceptance of fate. Stoics strive to control their emotions and focus on what they can control, rather than dwelling on external factors.

Mandatory Hard Work Service

A proposed system requiring young people to participate in physically demanding work for a period of time. This is intended to instill a work ethic, build character, and foster respect for laborers.

Conspiracy Theories

Explanations for events that are not supported by evidence and often involve secret plots or hidden agendas. They can be harmful when they spread misinformation and distrust.

Psychological Manipulation

The use of psychological techniques to influence or control someone's behavior or thoughts. This can involve tactics like persuasion, coercion, or deception.

Polio Vaccine

A vaccine used to prevent polio, a debilitating and potentially fatal disease. There are concerns about the safety and effectiveness of certain polio vaccines, particularly the oral polio vaccine.

Population Control

Measures taken to limit or regulate the growth of a population. This can involve policies such as family planning, birth control, or even forced sterilization.

Foreign Influence

The impact of foreign governments or individuals on the policies or decisions of another country. This can involve lobbying, espionage, or other forms of interference.


  • What are some of the key segments of the "Real Estate Goodbye to the Lies" podcast?

    The show features segments like Q&A, Real Talk, and 75 Hard Versus, where Andy and DJ discuss various topics, answer listener questions, and share their perspectives on current events.

  • Why does Andy believe that the younger generation is weak?

    Andy criticizes the younger generation for their perceived lack of work ethic, entitlement, and reliance on technology. He believes that they are not prepared for the challenges of real life and that they need to develop a stronger sense of resilience and responsibility.

  • What are Andy's concerns about the Israel-Palestine conflict?

    Andy believes that the United States is heavily involved in the conflict and that there is a potential for population control through polio vaccinations. He questions the safety and purpose of these vaccines, citing articles suggesting that they are causing more cases than the wild virus.

  • What does Andy believe is the biggest problem facing America?

    Andy believes that the biggest problem is the abdication of citizen responsibility. He criticizes apathy, a lack of accountability, and the focus on entertainment over civic engagement. He argues that Americans have allowed themselves to be exploited by those in power.

  • What is Andy's opinion on Kamala Harris's housing proposals?

    Andy criticizes Harris's proposals, comparing them to Justin Trudeau's policies in Canada. He believes that such policies lead to increased government control and economic hardship, ultimately failing to address the underlying issues.

  • What does Andy believe is the reality of AI surveillance?

    Andy believes that AI surveillance is pervasive, with all online activity and conversations being recorded and stored. He argues that this information is used to blackmail, control, and manipulate individuals for the benefit of those in power.

  • What does Andy believe is the solution to the problems facing society?

    Andy believes that individuals need to take personal responsibility for their actions and choices. He encourages people to stand up for what they believe in, resist manipulation, and fight for a better future. He emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and a return to traditional values.

Show Notes

On today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss a former aide to New York Governors charged with acting as an agent of the Chinese Government, Kamala Harris proposing a Trudeau-style 'communist' government housing plan, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit Judge's plan to reverse Judge Cannon's Mar-A-Lago dismissal.

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772. Andy & DJ CTI: Former Aide Charged With Acting As Chinese Agent, Kamala Harris Proposes Trudeau-Style Communist Housing Plan & U.S. Court Of Appeals For The 11th Circuit Will Reverse Judge Cannon's Mar-A-Lago Dismissal

772. Andy & DJ CTI: Former Aide Charged With Acting As Chinese Agent, Kamala Harris Proposes Trudeau-Style Communist Housing Plan & U.S. Court Of Appeals For The 11th Circuit Will Reverse Judge Cannon's Mar-A-Lago Dismissal