8 Biohacks for Longevity + Skin Health with Bethany and Courtney
This episode of Grounded Wellness will show you why biohacking – in any capacity – is well worth your time. Whether you want to take a more intuitive approach like Courtney – or a slightly more tech-heavy approach like Bethany,
This conversation between Courtney and Bethany provides an entertaining + thought-provoking overview of popular biohacks. These are some of the best ways to intentionally better your health to show up as the best version of yourself.
Let’s dig in.
Episode Resources:
Mentioned in this episode;
Red Light Therapy: https://boncharge.com/
Sauna: https://heavenlyheatsaunas.com/
Ozone Generator: https://www.simplyo3.com/
Ozone Balm: https://livinglibations.com/
Grounding: https://www.earthing.com/
Grounding Shoes: https://www.earthrunners.com/
Grounding Shoes: https://raumgoods.com/
Grounding Shoes: https://bahe.co/
Complete Guide to Fasting: https://www.doctorjasonfung.com/the-complete-guide-to-fasting
Intuitive Fasting: https://drwillcole.com/intuitive-fasting
Earthing: https://www.amazon.com/Earthing-Most-Important-Health-Discovery/dp/1591202833
Bethany’s 6 Day Water Cleanse: https://primallypure.com/blogs/blog/i-did-a-six-day-water-only-fast-and-this-is-what-i-learned?_pos=10&_sid=186c96e7c&_ss=r
Top Biohacks: https://primallypure.com/blogs/blog/top-biohack-practices?_pos=1&_psq=bio&_ss=e&_v=1.0
Holistic Habits: https://primallypure.com/blogs/blog/accessible-holistic-habits
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