#89 Mindfulness of Skin, Flesh, & Bones Guided Practice
In the First Foundation of Mindfulness, the Buddha shared several practices that were intended to help practitioners release their attachments to the body. Whether we are concerned about it's size and shape, the body's age, specific parts... we're encouraged to experience the body as it simple is: comprised of hard and soft tissues... organs... parts.
In this month's guided practice, Jen shares a variation on the contemplation of the anatomy of the body.
Skillful Means Podcast offers these guided practices to help you deepen into your yoga and mindfulness journey.
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You can get in touch with Jen directly at https://www.sati.yoga where she offers yoga and mindfulness classes, workshops, trainings, and IFS coaching.
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SMP welcomes your comments and questions at feedback@skillfulmeanspodcast.com. You can also get in touch with Jen through her website: https://www.sati.yoga
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