DiscoverWarriors Unmasked97. Creating Modern Clarity: Positive Mindset Tips For Success with Andrew McConnell
97. Creating Modern Clarity: Positive Mindset Tips For Success with Andrew McConnell

97. Creating Modern Clarity: Positive Mindset Tips For Success with Andrew McConnell

Update: 2023-02-21


Hey everyone, it's Chuck, and I'm here to welcome you to the latest episode of Warriors Unmasked! While my partner Clint is out changing the world today, I got to chat with Andrew McConnell, the founder of and author of "Get Out of My Head - Creating Modern Clarity with Stoic Wisdom".

This guy is seriously impressive - he graduated from Harvard College, Harvard Law School, and the University of Cambridge, won a Bronze Medal with Team USA's open water swim team, and has built a hugely successful company. And that’s just the beginning!  

Andrew shared some incredible insights with us during our chat, including the importance of being present in the moment while still knowing where you're headed. He grew up in Birmingham, Alabama, and learned early on that the world is big, but life is short. He's all about empowering others and encouraging them to take control of their lives.

It's pretty incredible to think that even though we come from different backgrounds and walks of life, we're all struggling with the same things at the end of the day. Those negative voices and self-doubt can hold us back and stop us from living our best lives. That's why in this conversation, we're getting real about our own journeys and how we're working on improving our overall well-being every single day. And the best part is, you can do it too!

This episode is packed with heart, warmth, and inspiration. I know you're going to feel hope, awareness, and enlightenment after listening to Andrew's story. And if you're feeling a bit lost or unsure of where you're headed, this episode will leave you feeling incredibly empowered.

So kick back, relax, and enjoy another amazing episode of Warriors Unmasked! If you want to connect with us or if you need someone to talk to, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via the links below. 


More Of What’s Inside:

  • When Andrew became a international Bronze Medal winner with Team USA's open water swim team
  • Andrews time at Harvard and Cambridge 
  • Growing a company $200,000 in revenue to nearly $10 million in under three years
  • Why Andrew is so eager to share his message
  • The importance of being in the moment 
  • Why the world is smaller than we think
  • Principles of Stoicism to his business ventures
  • The power of a positive mindset 
  • Tips for overcoming obstacles and achieving one's goals
  • And much more!






Episode Minute By Minute:

  • 0:02 What’s inside today’s episode 
  • 1:37 That you to today’s sponsors
  • 3:00 Get to know Andrew McConnell
  • 7:29 The only power you have is in the moment
  • 11:13 The only way to get where you want to go
  • 15:20 Keys for slowing your brain down
  • 17:58 Navigating the noising modern world 
  • 20:08 Who owns your mind?
  • 23:55 You can decide who you want to be
  • 27:00 How to prioritize your well being more
  • 34:21 Andrew’s advice for everyone listening 
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97. Creating Modern Clarity: Positive Mindset Tips For Success with Andrew McConnell

97. Creating Modern Clarity: Positive Mindset Tips For Success with Andrew McConnell