DiscoverSatisfaction Factor#99 - Debunking Weight & Joint Pain Myths with Dr. Lisa Folden
#99 - Debunking Weight & Joint Pain Myths with Dr. Lisa Folden

#99 - Debunking Weight & Joint Pain Myths with Dr. Lisa Folden

Update: 2024-09-18


Have you ever been told that losing weight is the key to relieving joint pain? Prepare to challenge that belief as we explore the complex relationship between joint pain, weight, and overall health with Dr. Lisa Folden!

Dr. Lisa N. Folden is a North Carolina licensed physical therapist, NASM certified  behavior change specialist and Anti-diet Health & Body Image Coach. She owns Healthy Phit Physical Therapy & Wellness Consultants in Charlotte, NC where she provides trauma-informed and weight-inclusive care to clients in diverse bodies and those in eating disorder recovery.

As a health at every size (HAES®️) ambassador and movement expert, Dr. Folden assists clients seeking healthier lifestyles. Her weight-neutral approach encourages intuitive eating, joyful movement, body acceptance and breaking up with toxic diet culture. 

Dr. Lisa is a mom of three, published author and speaker whose goal is to see as many people as possible living their best lives without worrying about their weight!

In this episode, we're chatting about: 

  • the misconceptions surrounding body size and health
  • the importance of self-compassion, and the impact of anti-diet work far beyond food and exercise
  • the significant roles of age, activity levels, strength, flexibility, injuries, posture, and lifestyle changes in managing pain
  • the myth that weight is the primary cause of joint discomfort, and how bones and joints are designed to handle progressive loads, even for those who have always lived in larger bodies
  • the pervasive anti-fat bias in the medical and fitness industries, where weight gain is often lazily cited as the root cause of various health issues
  • the importance of a more compassionate and comprehensive approach to health.

You can connect with Dr. Lisa and learn how to work with her on Instagram @healthyphit, on Facebook, on Pinterest, or at her website. And be sure to check out her 30-day Body Respect Journal

Stay in touch with the pod on IG @satisfactionfactorpod!

And here's where you can continue to find us:
Sadie Simpson: or IG @sadiemsimpson
Naomi Katz: or IG @happyshapesnaomi









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#99 - Debunking Weight & Joint Pain Myths with Dr. Lisa Folden

#99 - Debunking Weight & Joint Pain Myths with Dr. Lisa Folden

Naomi Katz & Sadie Simpson