A Target on His Back
As a Seminarian and in the future as a Priest, Steven has set himself up to be a target of temptation.
When he first announced his interest in the priesthood to Fr. Mike, Steven experienced the feeling that he did something wrong. Reflecting on that moment, Steven realized that this was a "word from the Enemy".
One avenue of attack is what St Ignatius refers to as the "false lover". Someone who is not liked by the parents or society but you keep around and can't tell anyone about. Your feelings encourage you to keep thoughts secret.
In this battle, discernment is the key. A major part of discernment is to have people to whom one can bring these concerns. Steven has been blessed to have a fraternal group in the Seminary where seminarians can shared their struggles.
As a priest, important to be mindful of how you spend your time and not letting yourself get distracted.
The laity play a role in this spiritual battle. The job of the priest is one who delivers the message. The laity have a charism to evangelize the world.