Medugorje Encouragement
At the end of the Summer, Steven was offered the chance to join a trip to Medugorje. While a visit to Medugorje was not on the top of his list of places to visit, Steven happily joined.
On his first evening, a group of pilgrims shared that they were witnessing the miracle of the Sun. Steven was also blessed to be able to witness the miracle as well. Also, at the end of his trip Steven experienced the smell of roses when no one around him did.
Moved, and energized by this generous gift, Steven wrapped up his Summer and was ready to focus on his final (and 23rd consecutive) year of school.
Steven was given advice prior to his Diaconate year to "enjoy his year as a deacon". There is a uniqueness to this time that will never happen again. Rather than spend his time waiting for priesthood, Steven's approach to his final year is to accept the grace of the current time.
During his Deacon year at Seminary, Steven has been assigned to a local parish. This weekend work helps get his feet grounded and accustomed to the rhythm of priestly life.