A Vision for a Universal Badass Income
"I Don't Charge for my Worth, I Charge for the Worth of a Movement"
I believe we have what we need to get a universal basic income in the coming years.
...Not through convincing our governments to give it to us, but to generate it ourselves, through the power of ancestor-guided community organizing.
I have been downloading & conjuring a new business model that functions via ancestor-guided principles, and the best parts of spiritual entrepreneurship, artistic crowdfunding & community organizing.
This is for spirit-centered, liberation focused creators who want to see a world full of mass, collective earth stewardship in our lifetime.
Today, let me take you through an introduction to my vision. We enter with a conversation about how and why do we charge money for our spiritual, artistic gifts, especially during times of genocide?
How do we circulate money in a way that depletes the power that capitalism has over us, and simultaneously builds the world that we want?
In the process, we build a language, philosophy & strategic development that champions our spiritual, artistic & financial sovereignty - and leads us toward a Universal Badass Income.
In the next while, I'll be sharing more details so you can better understand how the business model works.
Those who join our 4-month ANCESTRAL THINK TANK & ARTIST RETREAT will get the chance to workshop the vision together, and receive an "Ancestral Artist Grant" by the end of the year, funded by the principles of the Universal Badass Income.
For those who are not able to attend the retreat, I will be making space to share this vision in other ways, too.
Learn more about "When We Lived & Died in the Thriving Village" Ancestral Think Tank & Artist Retreat: CLICK HERE
The episode where we speak about the spirit of "We Have Already Won" - CLICK HERE
Other episodes where you meet "SPIDERWOMAN":
Water & Tabla sound effects and music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
"Soft Glare" by Mar Vei