Accessible Birthcare Communities #074
In this episode we explore how we connect more deeply past the complicated power dynamics and the hierarchy in health care.
How can health care providers really set themselves up to be in community with those who they care for?
How do we shift the way we deliver insights and education and information to ensure that it continues to center the patient?
What are some of the ways that we need to reconsider how we have been trained to share information with patients to speak to folks about the experiences that they are having in their body?
How do we push back when folks want to focus on efficiency rather than connection?
Our guest today is Dr. K Pregnancy Specialist found on Instagram @DrK_PregnancySpecialist is an expert in high risk obstetrics. She has practiced as an MFM around the country, and is currently focused on how we make medical education and relationships more accessible to folks. She has so many insights to share around how we create this reality, where birthing people can truly feel that their provider is part of their community that they are available and that they are there to serve their best interests. This episode is for you, if you too are interested in how we change these current dynamics that have been set up and how we can use the power of social media to actually create more connection, rather than isolation.
Join us as we uncover:
~The benefits of multidisciplinary care
~Unlearning as a physician
~Power of social media to get an "ear to the ground"
~Quality over efficiency in appointments
~Meeting folks where they are for health literacy
~And...remember: stop "meddling" in the vagina