Future of Queer Reproductive Justice #067
So in this episode we are diving into the future of Queer Reproductive Justice, and what does it mean to show up for queer, trans, non binary, and other folks who have been marginalized within the perinatal care system.
To lead us in that conversation, I am delighted to have king yaa on to share their wisdom and their work as they have delved into this throughout their career. And as they speak, and educate on this topic in so many different platforms. Learning from king yaa has truthfully been one of the most impactful pieces of my journey over the last few years. As I have searched to grow as a birth worker, to be more aware of different perspectives within perinatal spaces...both as I learned to care better for folks who are queer and trans, but also, as I have looked hard at myself, to understand my positionality within this space to reflect on what I can bring to it, and also how the way that I show up in this work has such an impact on the care that folks receive from me.
Through this conversation, I hope you have the time and space to reflect on your own place in this work, where you want to grow, where you can share your knowledge, and how you can begin to put all this together, as we lift up those who have been most marginalized and create a standard of care that is safer for them, we create a standard of care that is safer for all of us. And I am eager to share with you their thoughts and reflections about what king yaa sees as as they share their queer reproductive justice framework, and the future of care as we all come together to create change.
Listen in as we explore these themes:
~foundation of their courses for providers
~queer & trans people's liberation & pleasure
~king's queer reproductive justice framework
~incorporate understanding of barriers into care
~examining saviorism, intersectionality, & positionality in birthwork
Learn more about king yaa and their offerings through their guest profile.
Recommended IG accounts to follow: @KaydenXOfficial @BirthBruja @FeministMidwife @Doctor_Midwife