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Act Now to Defend Food Freedom with Congressman Thomas Massie

Act Now to Defend Food Freedom with Congressman Thomas Massie

Update: 2024-05-29


This episode of the Wise Traditions Podcast features an interview with Congressman Thomas Massey, who discusses his advocacy for food freedom, particularly regarding raw milk and the Prime Act. Massey explains his journey from introducing a raw milk bill a decade ago to becoming a strong advocate for the right to consume and produce raw milk. He highlights the economic benefits of raw milk for farmers and the health benefits for consumers. Massey also discusses the Prime Act, a bill he introduced to streamline regulations for small slaughterhouses and allow for direct-to-consumer sales of meat. He emphasizes the importance of supporting the Prime Act's inclusion in the Farm Bill by contacting elected officials. The episode concludes with a letter to the editor from a listener who shares her personal experience with the Wise Traditions diet and its positive impact on her health and her baby's development.



This Chapter introduces the Wise Traditions Podcast and its focus on scientific knowledge and traditional wisdom for optimal health. It also mentions the upcoming Wise Traditions Conference in Orlando, Florida, from October 25th to 27th, 2024.

Congressman Thomas Massey on Food Freedom

This Chapter features an interview with Congressman Thomas Massey, who discusses his advocacy for food freedom, particularly regarding raw milk and the Prime Act. He explains his journey from introducing a raw milk bill a decade ago to becoming a strong advocate for the right to consume and produce raw milk. He highlights the economic benefits of raw milk for farmers and the health benefits for consumers. Massey also discusses the Prime Act, a bill he introduced to streamline regulations for small slaughterhouses and allow for direct-to-consumer sales of meat. He emphasizes the importance of supporting the Prime Act's inclusion in the Farm Bill by contacting elected officials.

Letter to the Editor

This Chapter features a letter to the editor from a listener who shares her personal experience with the Wise Traditions diet and its positive impact on her health and her baby's development. She describes her journey from a vegan diet to a Wise Traditions diet and the positive changes she has observed in her own health and her baby's growth.


Raw Milk

Raw milk is milk that has not been pasteurized, meaning it has not been heated to kill bacteria. It is often considered to be more nutritious than pasteurized milk, as it contains beneficial enzymes and bacteria. However, raw milk can also carry harmful bacteria, so it is important to source it from reputable farms and handle it properly.

Prime Act

The Prime Act is a bill introduced by Congressman Thomas Massey that aims to streamline regulations for small slaughterhouses and allow for direct-to-consumer sales of meat. The act would exempt small slaughterhouses from the requirement of having a full-time USDA inspector, as long as they meet certain safety standards. This would allow consumers to purchase meat directly from local farmers and ranchers, promoting food freedom and supporting local agriculture.

Food Freedom

Food freedom refers to the right of individuals to choose what they eat and how they produce their food. It encompasses the freedom to grow, raise, and consume food without undue government regulation. Advocates for food freedom argue that individuals should have the right to make their own choices about their food, without interference from the government.

Wise Traditions

Wise Traditions is a non-profit organization founded by Dr. Weston A. Price that promotes traditional food and lifestyle practices for optimal health. The organization advocates for a diet rich in nutrient-dense foods, such as raw milk, organ meats, and fermented foods. Wise Traditions also emphasizes the importance of traditional food preparation methods and the connection between food and culture.

Farm Bill

The Farm Bill is a piece of legislation passed by the United States Congress that governs agricultural policy. It includes programs for crop insurance, food assistance, conservation, and research. The Farm Bill is a major piece of legislation that has a significant impact on the agricultural industry and the food system.

Herd Share

A herd share is a legal arrangement that allows consumers to purchase raw milk from a farmer by becoming a shareholder in the farmer's herd. This arrangement allows consumers to access raw milk without violating state laws that prohibit the sale of raw milk. Herd shares are often used as a way to support local farmers and access high-quality, raw milk.

Congressman Thomas Massey

Congressman Thomas Massey is the U.S. Representative for Kentucky's Fourth District since 2012. He is known for his advocacy for food freedom, particularly regarding raw milk and the Prime Act. Massey is a strong supporter of local agriculture and believes that individuals should have the right to choose what they eat and how they produce their food.

Weston A. Price Foundation

The Weston A. Price Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting traditional food and lifestyle practices for optimal health. The foundation was founded by Dr. Weston A. Price, a dentist who traveled the world studying the diets of indigenous cultures. The foundation advocates for a diet rich in nutrient-dense foods, such as raw milk, organ meats, and fermented foods. The foundation also emphasizes the importance of traditional food preparation methods and the connection between food and culture.


  • What is the Prime Act and why is it important?

    The Prime Act is a bill introduced by Congressman Thomas Massey that aims to streamline regulations for small slaughterhouses and allow for direct-to-consumer sales of meat. The act would exempt small slaughterhouses from the requirement of having a full-time USDA inspector, as long as they meet certain safety standards. This would allow consumers to purchase meat directly from local farmers and ranchers, promoting food freedom and supporting local agriculture.

  • What are the benefits of raw milk for farmers and consumers?

    Raw milk provides a business model for small dairies who take care to produce a better product, to get a higher return on their labor. Consumers benefit from the higher quality and nutritional value of raw milk, as well as the ability to support local farmers.

  • How can listeners support the Prime Act?

    Listeners can support the Prime Act by contacting their congressman and both of their senators and urging them to include the Prime Act in the Farm Bill. Phone calls are more effective than emails, and even a few calls can make a difference.

  • What is the Wise Traditions diet and how does it differ from conventional dietary advice?

    The Wise Traditions diet is a diet rich in nutrient-dense foods, such as raw milk, organ meats, and fermented foods. It emphasizes traditional food preparation methods and the connection between food and culture. It differs from conventional dietary advice by promoting whole, unprocessed foods and avoiding refined sugars, processed foods, and industrial seed oils.

  • What is the role of the FDA in regulating raw milk?

    The FDA regulates raw milk as a result of a court settlement in the 1980s. While Congress has not passed a law making raw milk illegal, the FDA has taken it upon themselves to regulate it, making it illegal to sell raw milk across state lines.

  • What is the significance of the Wickard v. Filburn Supreme Court decision?

    The Wickard v. Filburn Supreme Court decision, which occurred over half a century ago, established that the federal government could regulate activities that affect interstate commerce, even if those activities are local in nature. This decision has been used to justify federal regulation of agriculture, including the regulation of raw milk and meat production.

  • What is the Wise Traditions Conference and how can people attend?

    The Wise Traditions Conference is an annual event hosted by the Weston A. Price Foundation that brings together experts and enthusiasts to discuss traditional food and lifestyle practices for optimal health. The conference will be held in Orlando, Florida, from October 25th to 27th, 2024. People can register to attend at

Show Notes

More and more people are discovering and enjoying raw milk. But it's still not legal in some states. And regulatory hoops hinder the small rancher and farmer when it comes to processing animals and selling their products to the consumer.  

How can we remove impediments so that consumers can buy the food they want from the provider they choose? And make it easier for providers to sell their products to said consumers without interference? In short, how do we defend our food freedom in the U.S.?

Congressman Thomas Massie, the U.S. representative for Kentucky’s 4th district, addresses these questions on today's BONUS podcast episode. He offers insights on the raw milk landscape. And he also goes over the PRIME act, why he is backing it and what we can do to support this act’s inclusion in the Farm Bill through three simple phone calls (to our 2 senators and 1 representative) here in the United States.

Visit Congressman Massie's website:

Click here to find your U.S. senator and here to find your congressional representative

Register for our Wise Traditions conference in October 2024 at

Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation (and use code pod10)!









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Act Now to Defend Food Freedom with Congressman Thomas Massie

Act Now to Defend Food Freedom with Congressman Thomas Massie

Weston A. Price Foundation