Adopting or Fostering a Child with Down Syndrome
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Are you considering adopting or fostering a child with Down Syndrome? Join our conversation with Dr. Sara Williams, a developmental-behavioral pediatrician at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. She provides developmental evaluations and follow-up care for children with a variety of neurodevelopmental disabilities, including in the Thomas Center for Down Syndrome.
In this episode, we discuss:
- What is Down syndrome?
- How common is it?
- What are the different types of Down syndrome? Is genetic testing routinely done when Down syndrome is suspected?
- What are some of the common physical traits of a person with Down syndrome?
- What are the common developmental disabilities caused by this disorder?
- What are the common intellectual disabilities caused by this disorder?
- Is there a way to know in advance how intellectually impacted a child may be?
- Do the symptoms differ depending on the type of Down syndrome the child has?
- What are the common mental health issues that people with this disorder may exhibit?
- What are some ways to determine the degree of impact if you adopt a child past infancy?
- Interventions that can help.
- How do these kids fit within the school system? What is the school system required to do?
- What are the common medical conditions that may accompany trisomy 21?
- What is the life expectancy of a person with Down syndrome?
- Is there a medical specialty that those considering adopting or fostering a child with Down syndrome should seek out?
- What are some common mental health issues and behavioral issues that may be more common in people with Down syndrome?
- How to find mental health and behavioral treatment for children and adults with Down syndrome?
- How does trauma interact with Down syndrome?
- Is attachment difficult for kids with Down syndrome who have experienced trauma?
- Are people with Down syndrome able to live independently in adulthood?
- What makes a difference in the prognosis for children with Down syndrome?
- Why should people consider adopting or fostering a child with Down syndrome?
- National Down Syndrome Society (list of specialized centers)
- Global Down Syndrome
- Reece’s Rainbow
- Understanding Down Syndrome
- American Academy of Pediatrics Clinical Report: Health Supervision for Children With Down Syndrome
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